Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Holistic Remedy discussion

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Brand Packaging - Gas-absorbing 'shells' could reduce spoilage.(Market-Driven Innovations)(Brief Article)

Thu, 01 Jul 2004 07:00:00 GMT
July 1, 2004 -- Both marketers and consumers have long grappled with the challenge of keeping fruits and vegetables fresher longer after they arrive home from the...

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� Warm up BEFORE stretching. This is important. Muscles are tight when cold and stretching them can injure them. What is a good warm up? A slower version of the activity you are going to do is good. For example, walk for 5 minutes before you begin running. If you are going to throw a ball, gentle arm circles and other movements for several minutes will warm up the shoulder and elbow joints.
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Ethylene Egg Gas GuardianFlorida Health Insurance

August 28, 2006
Making Sense of Health Insurance
The term health insurance refers to a wide variety of insurance policies. These range from policies that cover the costs of doctors and hospitals to those that meet a specific need, such as paying for long-term care. Even disability insurance--which replaces lost income if you can't work because of illness or accident--is considered health insurance, even though it's not specifically for medical expenses.
But when people talk about health insurance, they usually mean the kind of insurance offered by employers to employees, the kind that covers medical bills, surgery, and hospital expenses. You may have heard this kind of health insurance referred to as comprehensive or major medical policies, alluding to the broad protection they offer. But the fact is, neither of these terms is particularly helpful to the consumer.
Today, when people talk about broad health care coverage, instead of using the term "major medical," they are more likely to refer to fee-for-service or managed care. These terms apply to different kinds of coverage or health plans. Moreover, you'll also hear about specific kinds of managed care plans: health maintenance organizations or HMOs, preferred provider organizations or PPOs, and point-of-service or POS plans.
While fee-for-service and managed care plans differ in important ways, in some ways they are similar. Both cover an array of medical, surgical, and hospital expenses. Most offer some coverage for prescription drugs, and some include coverage for dentists and other providers. But there are many important differences that will make one or the other form of coverage the right one for you.
The section below is designed to acquaint you with the basics of fee-for-service and managed care plans. But remember: The detailed differences between one plan and another can only be understood by careful reading of the materials provided by insurers, your employee benefits specialist, or your agent or broker.


John B. Williams
Florida Health Insurance

About the Author

John B. Williams it a self proclaimed writer for the insurance industry. His guides, peronsal information, and easy to understand elements make him a great asset to the health insurance industry.

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Holistic Remedies article

Holistic RemediesGetting A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast, like any other meal of the day, needs proper planning. No longer is it planned independently of the other meals. The three meals should be planned as a unit and balanced against the daily body requirement with enough allowance for good health.

A light breakfast must necessarily be followed be a substantial meal, while a heavy breakfast must be followed by a light lunch. If both breakfast and lunch are light, then a heavy dinner is needed.

Like all meals, breakfast must be planned to include food nutrients not provided for or inadequately found in the two other meals to complete the essential body requirements for the day.

Too often, skimpy breakfasts are blamed in lack of time. Considering that one-fourth to one-third of the day?s requirements is served at breakfast, the need for planning ahead is doubly justified.

Breakfast mean to break the fast of several hours.

The factors affecting the nature of the breakfast menu will depend upon age, sex, weight, health, and kind of activities of the individual family members. Other factors to consider are the amount of time allotted for its preparation by one or several family members, or by a hired helper and how light, moderate, or heavy other meals are intended to be. Family custom may have to contend with all of these, although strictly speaking, this must not prevail upon the more important factors.

Breakfast should always include a raw fruit because this contains more vitamins and minerals than cooked ones. Fresh ripe fruits have a rich mellow aroma that can stimulate even the most delicate appetite. It should be taken as the first course of the meal for the same reason.

Fresh eggs are good breakfast food because they are rich in complete protein, fat, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A & B, and niacin. They are also easy to prepare and digest. They can be fried, poached, soft-cooked, hard-cooked, scrambled, or prepared as an omelet.

Rice and other cereals are the main fuel contributors in breakfast. Rice is cooked plain or saut?ed in small amount of fat and garlic. Corn broiled and buttered is a practical American way that can be adopted anywhere where corn is available.

Milk is the almost complete food and is welcome at any meal. At breakfast, milk is popular as a beverage or taken with coffee, chocolate, oatmeal, and other cereals. Milk should be bought from sanitary and reliable sources. Fresh milk is safer if pasteurized before serving.

Breakfast breads may be in the form of rolls, buns, loafbread, biscuits, waffles, or hot cakes. Breads can be toasted and served with butter or fruit jam like strawberry. Waffles, hotcakes, and French toast are good for heavy and substantial breakfast. Rolls with butter and jam, jelly, or marmalade are suitable for heavy breakfast, too, especially if taken with a heavy protein dish and chocolate.

About the Author:

Mr. Peter Garant is writing health, diet and exercise articles for the 1200 calories diet site and herbal health related articles for his herbal health site.

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Ranking lowest, Honolulu, Hawaii was reported to have only 37 percent of it's population doing their own home improvements in the last 12 months, making Honolulu number 75 out of all cities accounted for. In bigger cities like Fresno, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami and Washington DC, it was reported their population as doing less than the average number of repairs to their homes with percentages in ranging from 40 to 48.
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Lets talk about Herbal Aphrodisiacs

HealingLifestyle Diet

Lifestyle Diets

It's become increasing clear that diets don't work. Most of the popular diets that people have tried over the past few years focused on restricting or even eliminating whole food groups. People lost weight on these diets and then, of course gained the weight back. Now there is a small and hopefully growing trend towards lifestyle diets.

Lifestyle diets focus on how one lives and then proposes easy to implement changes to help people to lose and most importantly keep weight off. This is very important because yo yo dieting is dangerous and may cause some serious health threats. A study done at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center by Dr. Ulrich found that the women who yo yo dieted the most had a lower number of natural killer cells. These killer cells are the cells in your immune system that aim at viruses.

The statement above does not mean that people should not try to lose weight. Obesity contributes to many disease states and is being considered as a separate risk factor when health care professionals evaluate heart disease risk. What this does mean is that people need to lose weight by making small changes that fit into their lives. Here are some principles that people can follow to make small changes in order to achieve permanent weight loss:

Plan Ahead

Portion Control

Fill Up With Fiber

Take 3 Deep Breaths And Drink Water

Balance Your Choice


Plan Ahead: Eating mindlessly with no plan is like driving to a new destination with no directions. You need to have a plan for eating at home, work and while traveling or eating out. Fill your refrigerator with fresh cut vegetables and fruits so that they're easy to get to. If you have to keep high fat and sugar foods in your home, put them somewhere where it's difficult for you to get to and stay away from that food. Better yet, don't have it in your home in the first place. Buy pre-cooked lean protein, low fat high fiber cereals or low sodium, low fat frozen dinners so that there is always healthy food around.

Portion Control: This is one of the most important areas of any lifestyle diet. Some people refuse to eat "rabbit food" and have lives that socially revolve around food that isn't good for weight loss. These people will do best by significantly reducing their portions. Start by leaving a third of what you normally eat on your plate.

Fill Up With Fiber: Fiber is an essential part of weight loss because it makes you feel full and helps you with elimination. When purchasing cereals, check the label for a fiber number of over 5 grams. This will be under the carbohydrate section. You can also get lots of great fiber from fruits and vegetables.

Take 3 Deep Breaths and Drink Water: When you are about to binge and are eating out of emotion as opposed to hunger try this: stop and take 3 long and slow deep breath, exhaling as slowly as possible. Then drink a big glass of water and wait 10 minutes before you go for that binge. You just may skip it.

Balance Your Choice: This step has a small learning curve, but try to have a bit of a protein and a carbohydrate with every meal. This will help to control your blood sugar levels and insure more adequate nutrition.

Cheat: Everyone needs a break and if you stop eating all the foods that you enjoy, you will resent your eating habits and binge. Therefore, plan one day per week, it could be a special event where you allow yourself some of your favorite foods. Try to still be aware of portions when you do this.

About the Author:

Renee Feldman MA http://www.eatrighttips.com is an Exercise Physiologist and instructor certified by the American College of Sports Medicine. She is one of the first personal trainers in the United States, a champion competitive bodybuilder and dancer. Her new weight loss program: "Eat to Cheat" was the inspiration for this article.

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