Sunday, September 14, 2008

Natural Stevia Sweetener Reviews and information

Topics on Natural Stevia SweetenerOrganic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

Become a Strategic Eater

The fuel you put into your body can make all the difference to your health and energy levels. Practicing good nutrition means learning about food. It does not mean dieting. Understanding which foods give you energy and which rob you of your vitality is essential to keeping you at your best. Different metabolisms call for different combinations of fat, protein and carbohydrates, and through being aware of what you�re eating and how you�re feeling you will know what foods combine to bring you maximum energy.

While becoming clear which foods work best for you, start thinking about the size and frequency of your meals. Eating small amounts five or six times a day has proven to be better for us than three large meals. It is easier on the digestive system and provides a more constant, even flow of energy to the body, avoiding the hunger peaks and valleys. You�ll be less tempted to grab that chocolate bar or bag of potato chips to get you through the afternoon, and you�ll arrive home with better energy to face the evening.
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Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

New food review: more foods claim functional benefits - Food Business Review

Thu, 21 Aug 2008 00:58:00 GMT
A new range of healthy muffins has been launched in the US by Isabella's Healthy Bakery. Available in three varieties - Activate Probiotic Raisin Bran, Optimize Antioxidant, and ...

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