Friday, October 03, 2008

Lets talk about Wheatgrass Juicing

Wheatgrass JuicingThe G. I Diet and benefits for Losing Weight

The glycemic index diet or G.I. diet is gaining a reputation as a healthy way to lose weight. Although more of a way of eating rather than a diet, more and more people following the G. I way achieve their weight loss goals. Many health experts agree that the Glycemic Index diet, if followed correctly, can be a great way to weight loss success, especially for those who struggle with conventional low calorie diets or dieters who have trouble controlling their appetite.

The G.I diet is similar to the low carb diet but it is not as strict and targets the types of carbs rather than the quantity of carbs for each meal. There is also a focus on the correct timing of the two basic types of meals ? a carb or protein meal. The science behind the timing and types of meal makes G.I dieting a potent way to help lose fat stores, safely and relatively quickly.

The G.I diet is all about Insulin and controlling blood sugar levels.

Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate our blood sugar; actually it lowers blood sugar levels by stimulating cells to absorb any excess sugar from the blood. The problem with Insulin is it also causes fat cells to take up excess fatty acids from the blood. Often we ingest a meal which includes both sugar and fats so if any meal includes foods which have a high Glycemic Index then the fat from that meal can be easily stored on the hips.

There is an established theory that if one can control insulin levels then one can control how much fat the body will store from each and EVERY meal. Fat can only be stored when Insulin is present, and Insulin is only released when blood sugar levels become elevated.

What raises blood sugar?

Carbohydrate in foods will raise blood sugar if it is absorbed too rapidly. The types of foods which cause rapid absorption of sugar are all those with a high G.I index rating.

The basics of the G.I index

The Glycemic Index ranks carbohydrate foods by assigning them a number ranging from 0 to 100. The number indicates the rate at which the food raises blood glucose levels during its absorption. The higher the value the quicker the sugar is absorbed.

A high Glycemic index food has a value of 70 and above. A G.I value of 56-69 is considered medium and any foods lower than 55 are considered a low Glycemic index food. Foods with a low G.I are best as they digest more naturally and help provide a steady supply of energy over the course of several hours, it also makes us feel fuller for longer.

Is the G.I Diet simple?

The diet sounds simple because foods are generally chosen from the low G.I food list, but it gets complicated when you create a meal made up of many different food items, each with a unique G.I value. The idea is to make sure most items which make up every meal have a low Glycemic index, thus the overall G.I of the meal stays within the low to medium range.

Gaining complete nutrition

There are some foods which have a high G.I rating but are considered a healthy nutritious food. In these cases healthy high G.I foods can be combined with low G.I foods to maintain low-medium G.I value, plus help create a complete nutritional intake. An example is baked potato (high G.I) topped with
baked beans
(low G.I). There are also low G.I foods which should be limited. Fresh meat and poultry contains no sugar so the G.I. will be very low, however, they do contain lots of fat and protein so the energy content will be high. Remember calories do still count!

One positive point about the G.I meal plan is it?s possible for dieters to enjoy the odd ?treat? item once or twice each week, maybe an occasional dessert after a light dinner. As long as these ?bad? items are NOT eaten alone it should not ruin the diet plan.

Benefits of G.I. way of eating:

1. Enjoy tasty foods but limit storage of fat

2. Enjoy some favourite foods AND still lose fat

3. Increased energy level and wellbeing

4. Control of blood sugar

5. Less hunger feelings

6. Less craving for sugary foods

7. Less bloating feeling after meals

8. Ability to eat more food if desired

9. Less risk from diabetes and other diseases

10. No strict calorie reductions

Wayne Mcgregor has written hundreds of articles on effective ways to lose weight. His website provides tons of free weight loss information and help, including lists of G.I foods.

Article Source:

Wheatgrass JuicingAustralasian Business Intelligence - Wheatgrass gets the juices flowing.

Mon, 17 Jun 2002 07:00:00 GMT
June 17, 2002 -- Jun 16, 2002 (The Sun-Herald ABIX via COMTEX) -- Rhonda Sweetgrass is the founder and owner of the Bondi Wheatgrass Juice Company. She...

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Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

Clearly skin care, in this regard, can be an indication of your real age. Remember, your skin is the largest organ on your body and is often the first sign of your health and vitality.

Sagging, dull skin can indicate an advance in your true age. So, counter this by keeping your skin in good shape. Moreover, know your skin type and treat it accordingly with respect and love.
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Holistic RemedyRestoring Your Iron Balance With Supplements And Dieting


Restoring Your Iron Balance With Supplements And Dieting

Submitted By: Steven A Johnson

Iron is one of the most important minerals that our body needs in order to function well. Without the recommended dosage of iron, you can feel tired, irritable, and nausea. With a proper diet and the right supplements, you can be back on your way to restoring your iron deficiency and energy!

Iron is just one of the minerals found in hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through the bloodstream, therefore carrying it throughout the body. Without the right amount of hemoglobin in our system, we can start to feel the effects. Some of us might have constant digestive problems, headaches and built up stress.

Not everyone who is low in iron has anemia but most iron deficient people have what is called anemia. Iron is needed to create the energy our body lives in. Without this, we will most likely feel tired, falsely being compared to chronic fatigue.

Iron deficiency anemia is common among women. Pregnant women, especially in their third trimester, are very likely to become iron deficient. Pregnant women who are either in or entering their third trimester should be more concerned on how much iron is needed making sure it is enough for two!

Being deficient in iron is not the end of the world for most people. It takes a little patience and commitment to restore your iron balance. Some of the most important procedures to restoring your iron levels are taking the right supplements and looking closer at your meal choices.

Iron can be found in a lot of the foods that we eat. The most effective way is to consume foods in which the iron is absorbable. Some of these foods are poultry, fish and meats. Other foods not including ?meat? are leafy greens, certain sources of fruit and some sources found in alcohol.

There is another way to get the right amount of iron we need. Iron is found in a lot of supplements and is a partial ingredient to any multi vitamin. Today there are almost too many supplements to choose from.

When targeting a specific area of nutrition, you should carefully look for supplements that will boost what you are missing. In this case, you want to look for something that contains a high source of iron.

One thing I want to stress is too much iron can cause digestive problems. Some of the side effects of having too much iron are; abdominal pain, your stool being dark in color, almost black, constipation and diarrhea with traces of blood in it.

There are a few possibilities in which we can absorb too much iron. If we eat too much meat day after day iron will build up and serious constipation occurs. While certain nutrients are great in abundance, consuming too much iron is not recommended.

Another way to have too much iron in our systems is the misuse of related supplements. As with any supplement, take only as directed. Iron is not a mineral that we can just double up on, unlike other vitamins like vitamin c when we feel a cold coming on. Too much of a good thing does not always work out for the better!

We need the right amount of iron daily. Too little and we might be fatigued and too much can lead to digestive pains and constipation. If you are still unsure of the symptoms of anemia or a less severe case of iron deficiency, please consult your doctor.

Article Tags: feel, iron, supplements

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Also, increased physical activity is primary in combating chronic constipation. Walking, swimming and bowling are three perfect sports in overcoming sluggishness. Calisthenics, with particular emphasis on knee bends and other toe touching exercises, are equally effective. Healing should never be an uncomfortable or annoying process.
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Thirdly, it is much easier to get closer to the 5-a-day target you should be aiming for. You should eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables per day. That can be difficult if you don't like eating fruit. Drinking fruit juice can make that much easier!

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