Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin Spray for health

Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin SprayWhy Is The Cabbage Soup Diet Still So Popular?

Thousands of people search the Internet each month for the old fad-diet standby, the cabbage soup diet. What makes it so popular?

This diet is probably so popular because it?s really easy to use. Unlike nutritional plans that can actually lead to long-term healthy weight loss, the cabbage soup diet requires little reading, no studying, and very little preparation. Just make up one pot of soup, put it in the fridge, and eat some whenever you get hungry. It sounds easy, but it rarely works.

Most people commit themselves to staying on this simple diet plan for just one week. That seems short enough to be doable, and it?s long enough to lose enough weight to get into a pair of jeans for Friday?s date. However, it?s quite likely that most people get so sick of cabbage soup in a few days that they can?t eat another bowl of the stuff. The trash can gets all the soup that?s left in the fridge.

Hopefully, all the people who try this diet don?t end up with a conditioned avoidance of cabbage and its healthy relatives ? kale, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. These foods contain high quantities of many important nutrients, including antioxidants and vitamins K, C, B6, B1, B2 and A. One study of Chinese women found that a diet high in cabbage and its Brassica relatives can actually reduce the risk of cancer from air pollution and smoking by as much as 69%.

Tell that to someone who has eaten nothing but cabbage soup for three days solid, and she may begin to turn green. The uncomfortable fact is that boiled cabbage contains sulfur, so it can cause sever stomach cramps or gas if eaten in large quantities.

Parts of the cabbage soup diet are actually based on sound principles. People who eat a soup at least once a day do lose weight. The warm broth is filling, but contains few calories. This will not be true, of course, if the soup is made of cream, butter and bacon, but most vegetarian soups are low-calorie foods, with lots of nutrition, and they are very satisfying.

The trick, of course, is to find a good cookbook with lots of different soup recipes, (including those that include cabbage), and eat a different soup each day. That way, you won?t find yourself avoiding the cabbage section in the supermarket produce aisle.

It also helps to let go of the quick-weight-loss mentality. We gain weight slowly, and it?s healthy to lose weight slowly, too. Slow and healthy weight loss will happen naturally by following a nutritious diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and lean meat. Excellent books are available that explain exactly what to eat, for a lifetime of good health.

If the science portions of healthy diet books like those by Dr. Dean Ornish or Dr. Joel Fuhrman are just too much to swallow all at once, you might consider joining or creating a group of like-minded folks who want to learn the basic principles of good nutrition together. That way, the process becomes more fun.

Or you might sign up for a class at the local community college, or find a qualified nutritional counselor. Naturopathic physicians are also well-versed in the value of good nutrition, and they will usually help you find a diet that allows you to lose weight naturally.

If you absolutely must lose five pounds by next Friday, will it hurt to try the cabbage soup diet? No ? for short periods, eating a very low-calorie diet based on vegetable soup won?t hurt you at all, as long as you have no conditions, such as diabetes, that could be affected by the drastic change in your normal dietary routine.

A much better alternative, of course, is to commit to eating right every day.

About the Author:

To find out more about the origins of the cabbage soup diet, the 3-day diet and the mayo clinic diet, visit

Reviews of Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin SprayDamiana Powder

A Plateful of Valuable Weight Loss Tips

I don't know about you but I think that in today's world too much pressure is put on people to be thin. We see it every day on the television and magazine covers. The media has made the weight issue so important. What do you do in order to control your weight? Are you trying to keep one of the many diets available? Or probably you have your own workout regime at the local gym. No matter what exactly you do to keep in good shape, at least you are giving it all up. Unfortunately, many Americans have given up on their figure and now their weight issue is becoming bigger and bigger. I suppose you understand that once you give up on your figure, it all goes down hill. At the beginning you are size 9 and that's fine with you. Then you realize you've gained a few pounds but it is not a big deal. Soon your size number is 12 and then it turns to size 16. If you constantly keep avoiding the problem the size could go up and up. Nowadays it is very stupid to disregard your figure having in mind all the weightloss tips you can get. Have you tried searching the Internet for useful weightloss tips?

In the past finding some good weightloss tips was quite a difficult task. There were many gurus not knowing what they were babbling about. Have you seen one of those machines people would stand on with the giant belt? I will always remember the day when I first saw it on an old advertisement. This machine actually giggled the person's mid section all over the place. What do you think this can accomplish? Were people so blind that they actually believed the fat could be shaken off? We are lucky today as we are well aware of how things work. We know which weightloss tips are valid and which are useless. If you think that diet pills will help you reduce your weight you are wrong. The only thing they will do is to pull the water from your figure. But you don't want to get rid of the water, do you? Your problem is fat. In case you are looking for some good weightloss tips and dietary supplements then I would suggest you conducted an online research.
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Damiana Powder

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Pau Darco Herb Reviews and information

Pau Darco Herb DiscussionSuperfoods: K - Q

According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), children have about six to ten common colds per year. Adults typically have less, with the average around three, but the range varies widely. Those who work with the public and in hospitals have more than those who work at home or in small offices. People who have asthma are more susceptible to common colds than the average person. Recent studies have shown that asthmatics produce less anti-viral proteins, a function of the immune system, than normal. Supporting the belief that efforts to maintain a healthy immune system can reduce the number of colds a person has per year and thus reduce common cold spread.

Experts believe that children have more common colds than adults because daycare and school settings lead to close contact with other children. Children often forget to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing and washing hands is not a priority for them. Many elementary schools now request that parents supply tissues and waterless alcohol-based hand washing products in an effort to reduce common cold spread in schools. Additionally, since the rhinoviruses can live for several hours on surfaces, recommendations for preventing common cold spread include cleaning phones, stair rails, door knobs and other areas that people touch frequently with a disinfectant.
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Superfoods: K - Q

Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250

Successful treatment of persons with full blown alcohol or other drug addiction may require a comprehensive treatment program, with services provided by professionals face-to-face. This treatment would be beyond that offered by online addiction treatment. Such a comprehensive program should be staffed by helping professionals from many disciplines. Staff should include physicians to address medical issues such as withdrawal, mental health professionals such as psychiatrists or psychologists, to treat co- or pre-existing psychiatric disorders that may be present, and last but not least, certified, licensed addiction counselors, preferably a significant number of whom are in recovery themselves. Such a Treatment Program should also provide individual and group counseling, educational groups, and, as important as any of the treatments, access to Twelve Step self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon and Nar-Anon (for loved ones), and ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), to name but a few.

An evaluation will reveal the extent of the treatment required. This evaluation can be performed online by a qualified addictions counselor.
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Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250

Sore Throat

Clearly skin care, in this regard, can be an indication of your real age. Remember, your skin is the largest organ on your body and is often the first sign of your health and vitality.

Sagging, dull skin can indicate an advance in your true age. So, counter this by keeping your skin in good shape. Moreover, know your skin type and treat it accordingly with respect and love.
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Sore Throat

Pau Darco HerbEncyclopedia of Alternative Medicine - Fungal infections

Fri, 06 Apr 2001 07:00:00 GMT
April 6, 2001 --


Fungi are types of parasitic plants that include molds, mildew, and yeast. A fungal infection is an inflammatory condition in...

Natural Health - Shopper's guide: find health aids, new products, and gift ideas - The catalog of special offers

Tue, 01 Jul 2003 07:00:00 GMT
July 1, 2003 -- OPTIMUM MULTIVITAMINS AND MINERALS At last, a complete, synergistically balanced supplement that promotes optimum health, rather than border line...

Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) - False professionals bring nothing but false claims.(Health & Fitness)(Alternative approach)

Mon, 07 Apr 2003 07:00:00 GMT
April 7, 2003 -- Byline: Patrick B. Massey, M.D. A few weeks ago, one of my patients complained of profound fatigue. It was, in part, the result of chronic...


The latest Informaiton on Natural Remedies

Topics on Black CohoshImmune System

3. Shrink your stomach.

Doctors perform stomach stapling operations for one reason - they work! But, do you have to get this life changing operation to take advantage of the benefits. Absolutely not. The whole point of the operation is to "force" the patient to begin eating small, frequent meals. People see good results with the operation so, why don't we just read between the lines and go ahead and do what we need to do?

4. Align yourself with track stars.
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Immune System

Frozen Wheatgrass Juice

� Age-related Hearing Loss: This type of hearing loss is commonly found in old people. This is normal and rarely leads to deafness. Age-related hearing loss also known as 'presbycusis' begins with loss of certain speech sounds like 'S', 'F' and 'T'.

� Tinnitus: Tinnitus is the ringing sound in the ears. Middle ear infection and damage caused by loud noises can cause tinnitus. This disease can cause psychiatric symptoms.
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Frozen Wheatgrass Juice

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Natural RemediesVery Low Calorie Diets ? An Alternative To Gastric Bypass Surgery

You lose weight after a gastric bypass surgery because you?re restricted to a very low calorie diet. You can only eat tiny portions because your stomach is much smaller. Some high-calorie foods high in sugar and fat cannot be eaten because they cause nausea and vomiting, and part of the digestive tract is bypassed, which reduces the absorption of nutrients and calories.

If you?re looking for a safer alternative to gastric bypass, you might consider a doctor-supervised very low calorie diet (VLCD), without the surgery. VLCDs have been shown to result in weight loss of up to 15 to 20 percent of the patient?s initial weight in three to six months, but follow-up therapy is needed to maintain the weight loss.

The diet itself may require hospitalization or a stay in a treatment center so your physician can monitor your progress and health. This can be expensive, but there are some advantages over gastric bypass surgery. Although there are some risks, a very low calorie diet is far safer than surgery when the patient receives regular care from a physician.

The diet usually consists of liquid shakes or bars that have been specially formulated to include all the vitamins and minerals the patient needs. Using the pre-made shakes and bars makes it easy to regulate the number of calories without sacrificing nutrition.

A new five-year study financed by a large BlueCross BlueShield insurance plan is designed to find out if a VLCD, with or without weight loss medication, is as effective in treating obesity as the more expensive and dangerous weight loss surgeries. At this time, most group insurance policies do not cover any treatment associated with obesity, but the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure is being added as a benefit to some plans.

Obesity treatment was scourged from most policies after the diet pill scams of the 80?s and 90?s, but insurance companies are discovering that the costs of obesity are extremely high. If weight loss treatment, either surgery or doctor-monitored VLCD, can reduce the incidence of diabetes and heart disease that accompany obesity, the reduction in these chronic illnesses would more than pay for the additional costs of covering weight loss treatment. If it is proven that a VLCD results in long-term weight loss, this treatment may be added as a benefit to some policies.

A VLCD diet contains around 800 calories a day and the typical patient can lose up to 44 pounds in three months. In past studies it has been found that most obese patients who reduce their weight through doctor-supervised diet will regain much of the lost weight unless they receive ongoing behavioral therapy and nutritional counseling. This is also true for some post-gastric bypass patients.

There are always side effects associated with major changes in diet, and patients on a very low calorie diet may experience fatigue, constipation, nausea or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually temporary. The fast weight loss can also trigger one of the major complications associated with gastric bypass surgery ? gallstones or gallbladder infection. Medication is available to reduce this risk, but it is important to become aware of the symptoms of gallstones and seek immediate treatment if the symptoms appear.

It is possible that a low-calorie diet of 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day may be just as effective for long-term weight loss as a VLCD. The weight will drop more slowly, but the diet is easier for most people to accept as a long-term lifestyle.

Behavioral changes are the most important aspect of any obesity treatment, either surgical or dietary. The weight will only stay off as long as new, healthier diets are maintained. Regular exercise is equally important.

Behavioral modification and nutritional counseling can help, and your physician or the obesity center at a local hospital should be able to give you a referral to a qualified counselor. The obesity center should also be able to assist you in finding a physician who can provide the necessary medical supervision if you decide to try a very low calorie diet as an alternative to gastric bypass.

About the Author:

To learn more about alternatives to gastric bypass surgery, the complications of gastric bypass, and post-gastric bypass diet visit

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