Monday, June 30, 2008

Have you heard of boost immunity

boost immunity TopicsDryer Balls / Fabric Softener

Finally, do not stop here! You have finally started on the path to eliminate bad breath for good! This is just the tip of the iceberg for information to fight against halitosis. Remember that educating yourself on halitosis will be the main tool to ridding yourself of bad breath. Imagine no more bad breath, no more awkwardness, no more worrying! Please don't wait another day counting the hours until your next 'bad breath situation'� A guaranteed solution is just clicks away. Check out our research-based site today! You will not regret it� guaranteed!
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Dryer Balls / Fabric Softener

Energy Juices - Nic Rowley & Kirsten Hartvig
Frozen Wheatgrass Juice - 2 Week Supply

Spirulina Powder Information

Spirulina PowderFacts About Spirulina - Worlds Most Powerful Food

Wed, 07 Dec 2005 00:00:00 EST
Spirulina is a blue-green alga which is believed to be the first form of plant life on earth (nearly 3.5 billion years old). Since its rediscovery in the 1960's, Spirulina has been exhaustivel...

Hidden secrets to anti-aging, Learn About Antioxident Supplements and Good Skin Care Products

Wed, 14 May 2008 01:22:45 EDT
As Medical science brings us closer to the fountain of youth staying younger longer through anti-aging spa treatments and state of the art plastic surgeons procedures has helped us achieve ageless ski...

Bee Propolis


Recent information on MilkThistle

Reviews of MilkThistleBrain Support

You don't want your kids to obsess over body image. And you certainly don't want them to have their entire self-image wrapped up in what they eat, do you?

Then don't do it to yourself.
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Brain Support

Raw Organic Cacao Beans - 1KG - �26.99

Protein is composed of twenty different amino acids. In adults there are eight essential amino acids. Essential means there is no way for your body to get these building blocks other than through your diet. With children there are ten essential amino acids and premature babies require eleven amino acids. Again, they cannot get in these other way than through diet.

Meat from animals contains a complete profile of the essential amino acids, but some erroneously believe that vegetarians have a difficult time getting enough protein in their diets. Protein is a basic building block in all life and vegetarians eating a reasonably varied selection of foods not only get complete protein support, the protein from plants tends to be easier to digest and does not cause a build up of toxins like uric acid in the kidneys as is the case with all animal protein.
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Raw Organic Cacao Beans - 1KG - �26.99


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Health and WellbeingMY "I LOVE CHOCOLATE" DIET


I really wanted to break my addiction to chocolate, but I have read that chocolate is actually GOOD for you, releases endorphins or something. I also wanted to eat healthy. I decided to combine the two and see how it works. I figured, if a little chocolate is good for you, a LOT of chocolate would be very good for you, and on the other side of the coin, too much would make me sick of it, hence breaking my addiction. I was sure this idea would really work. (Funny, I got very sick from drinking too much champagne once, and that did not stop me from consuming it other times)... but that was not an addiction. My over consumption and obsession with chocolate needed to be stopped.

As with all diets, they say, you need a game plan. I decided to incorporate chocolate at every meal. And since I LOVE chocolate, that would not be a problem. Snacks would also incorporate chocolate. Imagine carrot sticks, not dipped in ranch dressing, but Hershey Syrup... an omelet for breakfast with melted chocolate chips. Getting enough fiber in one's diet is equally important. Just mix your Grape Nuts with chocolate pudding. Strawberries dipped in chocolate are VERY good... as are bananas, peaches, and any number of things.

Day 1.
Using the Atkins plan for high protein, and my idea of chocolate... for breakfast I fried two scrambled eggs in one-half stick of butter (fats are good for you too). I then added grated chocolate and some fiber cereal to make it really healthy. It looked pretty terrible, and did not taste too good either, but, hey, what health food does?? I gagged it down, followed by a glass of chocolate syrup laced orange juice, (which wasn't too bad).

For lunch I tossed a delightful salad. ? of a fresh pear, romaine leaves, balsamic vinegar, topped with crumbled chocolate chip cookies. This proved to be the best meal of the day.

I really was not too hungry for a snack as I was feeling a bit queasy. But all diet experts tell you to eat three meals a day, so for supper I planned a festive delight. Atkins protein again... Thick, juicy slice of prime rib with hollandaise, topped of course, with chopped Dove Dark Chocolate Promises.

Before bedtime, I really was quite a bit nauseated, so I drank the six glasses of water I forgot to drink. Good thing, too, for during the night I was awakened with abdominal pain and diarrhea (must have been the fiber), and all that water probably helped me not to be dehydrated. I was also experiencing a funny pang sensation in the right upper quadrant of my abdomen, but, again, it was probably my lean, mean, burning machine body burning fat.

Day 2...
Well after not getting much sleep the night of Day 1, I was not too hungry. But I was determined to stick with my game plan and diet.

For breakfast I figured some tofu would be healthy. I got out half a stick of butter again, cubed the tofu and saut?ed it gently with some celery (remember fiber) and to make things elegant, (on a diet you are not supposed to feel deprived or it will fail, I read) I got out my box of Godiva Chocolates that someone kindly gave me for Christmas. HMMM
Chocolate truffles chopped and sprinkled on top. I even added a sprig of parsley on my plate to make it look festive. I took a bite... then another, then I ate the rest real fast to get it down.

Lunch was kind of light. A Hershey bar with tuna salad piled on top wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. The tuna salad had LOTS of celery, onion, and heaps of mayo (you can use mayonnaise on Atkin's).

Supper was even lighter. For some reason the pang in my right upper abdomen were getting worse. Must be the fiber. I suppose if one is not used to all that fiber, it takes a while for the body to adjust. I just popped a few chocolate covered cherries. Cherries have great antioxidant properties.

I nearly forgot to drink my water again, so I downed 64 ounces and sloshed to my bed.

Funny, I woke up a lot at night with trips to the bathroom. I wondered if I was getting irritable bowel syndrome, and I was feeling irritable. Maybe it was just hunger pangs or something. That can happen on any diet. Headaches too.

Day 3...
Breakfast. I really did not want to eat too much. Still feeling a bit queasy I dissolved two Alka Seltzer in a glass of chocolate milk. That helped, a little.

Lunch was.... forgotten.

So was supper.

This article was written from my hospital bed after I woke from the anesthesia after emergency gallbladder surgery. The dietitian is due in my room any minute... so...

Thanks for reading!
Karen A. Lech
Copyright 2006

About the Author

Hi! I am an author from Richmond, Illinois. Being a single parent of five keeps me busy, as do the numerous animals they have acquired. Writing is my passion and bringing a smile to your face is my goal. visit me at My first children's book was published in August 2005 51 POEMS FOR CHILDREN, available through me or Amazon. I hope you enjoy! thanks for reading!

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