Friday, April 11, 2008

MSM Capsules for health

Fibromyalgia Oils and Testimonials

Wed, 19 Mar 2008 21:32:34 EDT
The MSM found in Sulfurzme equalizes fluid pressure inside cells by affecting the protein e ... INGESTION: Capsule 0 size 2 times daily...


Sun, 30 Mar 2008 10:24:13 EDT
... ther natural biologicals eg - fish oil, coQ10, acetylcysteine, MSM, carnitine, arginine, ribose, herbs ; ... take a sensible combination of the 50 natural supplements (if only as a few oil capsules and a glass of powder blend twice a day, and either daily hormone cream (...

NCAA men's basketball: East Regional capsules (Wisconsin State Journal)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:41:22 GMT
1. North CarolinaCoach: Roy Williams (20th season overall, fifth at North Carolina; 45-17 in NCAA tournament).AP, RPI rankings: 1, 2. Record, league finish: 32-2, first in Atlantic Coast (14-2).Keep an eye on: F Tyler Hansbrough has a fear of flying, but the leading candidate for national player of the year has kept the Tar Heels soaring, averaging 23.1 ppg and 10.3 rpg. He had 26 points and ...

Raw Potluck Wednesdays!

Thu, 20 Mar 2008 00:01:50 EDT
Upon rising: 32 ounces water with lemon, 3T MSM, camu camu, zeolite. ... Intestinal Movement Formula: 4 capsules - this is working beautifully....

Health and WellbeingEnjoy Weight Loss This Holiday

Holiday seasons are here again. This is your coveted time to forget about all the sorrows and rejoice with family and friends. Unfortunately, we do a little bit of celebrating during this time of year and add up extra baggage when the New Year appears. We unknowingly indulge in extra helpings, snacking on seasonal treats during celebrations. Hardly do we pay attention to our daily workout plan. This all contributes to increase in dieters in January.

Holiday seasons are here again. This is your coveted time to forget about all the sorrows and rejoice with family and friends. Unfortunately, we do a little bit of celebrating during this time of year and add up extra baggage when the New Year appears. We unknowingly indulge in extra helpings, snacking on seasonal treats during celebrations. Hardly do we pay attention to our daily workout plan. This all contributes to increase in dieters in January.

Let us resolve this holiday season to buck the trends and avoid the Seasonal Seven (the average weight most of us will gain between Thanksgiving and the New Year). Yes this is the fact and you must not want to participate in this trend.

Forget about additional stresses and challenges this year may bring, still there are ways to find balance and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It may be hard at times to forego the insatiable urge to devour the season's traditional foods. But dont forget that there are many ways to enjoy the fun without increasing your pant size. It doesnt mean that you should starve yourself on a crash course diet but you can enjoy the festivities and maintain your weight as well.

Moderation is the word of the season. It's the secret to achieving a fun but also healthy holiday time. Try to use this mantra both to what you eat (or don't eat) and how much exercise you do (or don't do). This will help you avoid packing on extra weight AND also partake in all the fun of this time of year. So kick start this season on a determined note on the New Year instead of starting January with extra pounds to lose.

Here are some tips to help you during those hectic holiday weeks:

Plan ahead. Create a plan for incorporating fitness and good nutrition ahead of holidays sneak peek. Define you daily routine. Evaluate your vacation period and try to come out with realistic time line you can devote on working out daily.

In your work environment, simply reject the gracious treats offered to you by your co-workers. Stick to your healthy snacks prepared at your home. Eat moderately and dont guzzle on others snacks tempting you from nearing desk.

Never wait until the New Year for you fitness goals to begin. Keep finding time and dedicate few hours on exercise as often during this time period as well. Adjust you other schedules appropriately. There can be lots of excuses for procrastinating your workout time. But it will ultimately harm you as you will be left in nowhere finding the right time to begin your daily exercise. Remember, tomorrow never comes! Utilize even few hours of your daily hectic schedule to keep yourself fit and healthy.

Make a scheduler for your daily workouts. Always use a daily calendar or other inventory to set-aside time to complete them. Keep on regular update on your fitness calendar. Never skip a single days workout. Stick to the timetable just like any other important business appointment.

At holiday dinners, skip the gravy, dressings, and high-calorie condiments.

There can be days when you may feel real lack of motivation. There can be time when you seriously find it hard to devote even 15 minute for daily workout. Even on these instances, do just 10 minutes of exercise. Try not to break this habit and go full throttle religiously.

Health clubs can be good to follow a strict discipline and regular exercise. But at they same time, you end up coughing lots of money. If feasible, try to exercise at home. Youll find yourself more committed and inclined at to do workouts at your own pace and confidence. At the same time, you will be saving time on driving, parking, the locker room or waiting to use equipment.

Drink less alcoholic beverages. The average alcoholic drink contains 150-200 calories per glass. Even if you indulge in these, try mixing half try mixing half a glass of wine with sparkling water or with a diet soda. This will help cut your calories in half.

During socializing, focus on sharing time with your friends and relatives other than sharing desserts and hot chocolates. During get-togethers spend the majority of time talking and discussing events and interesting topics with your dear ones.

The above-mentioned tips must come handy to you when you are honestly on a path to weight loss program. Always find a balance between staying fit and also enjoying the fun of the season. Last but not the least; never forget that moderation is the magic mantra to weight loss key. Enjoy a great holiday season ahead!

About the Author: Chris Read, is a an associated & contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit the website for more information on Obesity, Weight Loss methods, exercise or any Fitness related issues. Or write to him AT Any comments and /or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

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Natural Products Reviewer, Pure Zing, Announces Top Spring Eco ... - Business Wire (press release)

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 13:07:20 GMT

Natural Products Reviewer, Pure Zing, Announces Top Spring Eco ...
Business Wire (press release), CA - Apr 8, 2008
Naturally sweetened with Stevia and the Lo Han fruit, it offers an effective over-all health maintenance formula containing no sugar, no preservatives, ...

Cargill builds first sugar refinery - FoodNavigator-USA

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 15:44:30 GMT

Cargill builds first sugar refinery
FoodNavigator-USA, France - Apr 9, 2008
In terms of sweeteners, Cargill is one of the world leaders, and is currently trying to get approval for its stevia sweetener by marketing it for use in ...

Research and Markets: New Report Assesses the Prospects for Sugar Substitute Stevioside in China (Business Wire via Yahoo!7 Finance)

Fri, 28 Mar 2008 01:00:00 GMT
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of "Production & Market of Stevia & Stevioside in China" to their offering.

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Have you heard of Raw Food King

Natural SupplementsA Healthy Daily Diet For Weight Loss

Zero carbs. Fat flush. No dessert. Sound familiar? Losing weight is hard enough as it is, and all the fad diets that come and go make choosing a natural weight loss program much more confusing. There seems to be no consistent source of information. However, you can make real changes without excessive hunger and discomfort. Simply commit to a healthy diet to live by daily.

First, it?s important to understand the basics for good nutrition. The body?s three primary nutrient needs include protein, fats, and carbohydrates. The trick is choosing the right low-fat proteins, unsaturated fats, and whole-grain carbohydrates in reasonable portions. Even if your goal is not natural weight loss, the basics for good nutrition are essential to a healthy diet:

? Enjoy plenty of low-fat protein with every meal. Protein is key to muscle growth and reduces feelings of hunger. As a result, it gives you plenty of mileage to get to the next meal without having to snack. Chicken and fish are leaner than red meat and tend to be good choices. If you take advantage of organic or local farmer sources, the flavor is superior and there are no injected growth hormones. Don?t forget bean dishes, plus vegetarian chicken, burgers and bacon. Those with high cholesterol can obtain protein from egg whites.

? Treat yourself to five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This sounds like a lot, but a serving is actually fairly small. Also, the closer a fruit or vegetable is to its natural state, the more nutrients are delivered to the body. All-natural juices are also a great way to get more servings in per day. Fruit satisfies your sweet tooth while reducing sugar cravings. Organic fruits and vegetables are much healthier and you will be completely overwhelmed by the difference in flavor.

? Indulge in whole grain carbohydrates. Don?t completely eliminate carbohydrates! Reduce them, yes, but don?t eradicate them. Trade refined flour carbohydrates for whole grains. Once eaten, carbs are metabolized into blood glucose, which every cell uses as a primary energy source. As a matter of fact, glucose is the brain?s only source of fuel! However, if you eat more carbs than your body needs, it converts the leftover glucose into fat. Enjoy whole-grain wraps, multi-grain crackers, hearty breads and long grain, wild or basmati rice.

? Fulfill yourself with reasonable portions. You should never eat until you?re stuffed--nor should you ever get up from the table hungry. Your stomach can hold about one quart of food and beverage, an amount that would fit in your cupped hands. The trick to fulfillment is to slow down! Savor your food, and chew each bite 30 times. Not only is this the first crucial step in digestion, but it allows your stomach and brain to register when you?re full. Don?t interfere with your body?s ability to enjoy food by watching TV, working, or worse yet, driving. Sit down, relax, and enjoy your meal.

? Drink 8 to 16 glasses of water every day. Maintaining hydration is a key component of overall health. Also, water flushes away fat and transports nutrients throughout your body.

? Treat yourself in moderation. Never eating another potato chip or piece of cake again is completely unrealistic. However, they should not be staples in your diet. Figure out what you can?t live without, and treat yourself to it occasionally.

? Take high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements each day. No matter how healthy a diet, our food will not provide 100 percent of all the vital nutrients that our bodies need daily. Ensuring that you have all the bases covered by taking a multivitamin will go a long way toward a long and healthy life.

Maintaining a healthy diet to live by daily is not difficult when the basics of good nutrition are observed. Protein and fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone, with a few whole-grain carbs thrown in. The ratio of protein should always exceed that of carbs. This will stabilize your blood sugar and eliminate snacking between meals. Although you can jump start weight loss on a low-carb diet, you should enjoy at least one serving of whole-grain carbs every day.

?Healthy? food does not mean bland. The problem with the typical American diet is that it consists of highly refined foods full of synthetic ingredients. Also, portion sizes are out of control. When you start enjoying a healthy diet daily, you will regard highly processed foods as poison, boring and bland. Those who are beginning a natural weight loss program should also cut out the following killers.

? Red meat - If you want to enjoy red meat occasionally, that?s ok. However, avoid the fatty cuts such as rib-eyes and go for a lean filet.

? Burger-and-fry fast food - Fast food is absolutely the worst thing you can eat. The buns alone are nothing but high-fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oil, both of which clog arteries. If you have to eat fast food, opt for fresh sandwiches on whole-grain breads or wraps.

? Refined carbohydrates - Any store-bought white food such as doughnuts, bagels, white bread, snack crackers, and potato chips will make you gain weight faster than almost anything.

? Dairy products - Dairy products tend to be very high in fat. If you can?t live without them, limit them to the low-fat and organic varieties. Considers substitutes such as olive oil or natural yogurt.

? High-fructose corn syrup - If you read a few labels, you?ll be amazed to see how often this is a top ingredient. Corn syrup is engineered to be 80 percent fructose and 20 percent glucose -that?s twice the fructose of regular sugar. Fruit?s natural fiber allows a sustainable absorption rate throughout all cells. Alternatively, high-fructose corn syrup is absorbed rapidly, and it must be metabolized in the liver. This excess causes weight gain.

? Alcohol - Limit yourself to three drinks per week. Your liver puts fat metabolism on hold to process alcohol. Also, alcoholic drinks like margaritas and beer are high in caloric content.

Diet is just one factor in the equation for weight loss. The other key element in a successful weight loss program is daily exercise. You should engage in 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day. Choose something that you enjoy such as walking, bicycling, hiking, swimming, or any team sports. It is easier to keep exercising daily if the activities you choose are fun. After all, exercise is a way of life -just like eating a healthy diet.

Looking great is one perk of regular exercise, but the most powerful benefits are to your health. Aerobic activity strengthens the immune system, is the number one stress buster, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, boosts self-confidence, and will even improve your sex life!

These key principles will help you start your successful weight loss program. It?s now up to you - begin a nutritious diet, take a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement and exercise daily.

About the Author:

Want to learn more about the role of nutrition as part of a Healthy Weight Loss Program? Visit us at

Raw Food KingArby's offers a delicious geometry lesson (Provo Daily Herald)

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:04:10 GMT
This week I reached out for a new Chocolate Turnover, the latest twist in turnovers at fast food's king of roast-beef sandwiches, Arby's, with 3,700 restaurants in 48 states.

Sharon Stewart the second cut from 'Hell's Kitchen's fourth season

Wed, 9 Apr 2008 00:00:00 CST
The Blue Team served all 48 of their appetizers and began on the entrees, but Gordon criticized Jason for his raw halibut while Petrozza's beef was cold. ...

Philippines vacation

Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:49:07 EDT
Jollibee is like the top fast-food outlet there in the Philippines....

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8. High Calorie Horrors

When you are out shopping at the Mall you may be tempted by the delicious aromas of coffees, spicy pies and the mouth watering smell of freshly made doughnuts.

But giving in to temptation could mean you may consume a day's worth of Calories in one delicious but none essential piece of confectionery.
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