Sunday, March 09, 2008

Enhance Libido for nutrition

Natural HealingPrinciples of The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet has been around since around 1995, when fatty acids research scientist Dr. Barry Sears published the New York Times bestseller "The Zone". This book was aimed at other doctors but it was found rather quickly by the general public. Since that time he has authored several other books on the subject. The Zone can be summed up as a state of hormonal balance in the body which can be achieved by your diet. It is especially about keeping key hormone's in a balanced zone since the wrong amount in your body can trigger weight gain. This hormonal control is at the center of the Zone Diet. In fact, a craving for Carbohydrate's is essentially a byproduct of making bad hormonal choices at meals. But when you make Zone Diet meals, the real cause of these cravings will be largely subdued.

Dr. Sears states that current health care for most people primarily focuses on treating symptoms, as opposed to the maintenance of wellness. Results from the Zone diet tend to occur right away because your blood sugar is automatically stabilized. Thus, you feel less hungry and more energized throughout the day.

There are several fundamental principles of the Zone Diet, according to Dr. Sears.

First, be certain that every meal leads you to the Zone by eating the correct combination of low-fat protein (such as lean chicken or pork), the right type of carbohydrate such as fruits and/or vegetables (starchy carbohydrates such as breads or potatoes are not as good), and a dash of "good" fat (such as olive oil). He says it is a good idea to eat a Zone meal within about an hour of waking up in the morning. It is also good to eat 5 times a day.

And you should not let more than 5 hours go by without a Zone meal, even if you are not hungry. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Another important principle is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day (about a half gallon).

And finally, remember that if you get off of - remove track, do not worry because there is not guilt in the Zone. Just make sure that your next meal is a Zone meal to get you back where you belong.

In the Zone, no foods are completely off limits. "That means you can eat anything, as long as it has the right balance of protein, carbs, and fat", says Dr. Sears. Wine is even allowable because of the substantial amount of antioxidants it contains. For more info. visit For additional information go to Zone Diet Nutrition and learn more about the Zone Diet Plan

Dr. Sears states that current health care for most people primarily focuses on treating symptoms, as opposed to the maintenance of wellness. Results from the Zone diet tend to occur right away because your blood sugar is automatically stabilized. Thus, you feel less hungry and more energized throughout the day.

There are several fundamental principles of the Zone Diet, according to Dr. Sears.

First, be certain that every meal leads you to the Zone by eating the correct combination of low-fat protein (such as lean chicken or pork), the right type of carbohydrate such as fruits and/or vegetables (starchy carbohydrates such as breads or potatoes are not as good), and a dash of "good" fat (such as olive oil). He says it is a good idea to eat a Zone meal within about an hour of waking up in the morning. It is also good to eat 5 times a day.

And you should not let more than 5 hours go by without a Zone meal, even if you are not hungry. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Another important principle is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day (about a half gallon).

And finally, remember that if you get off of - remove track, do not worry because there is not guilt in the Zone. Just make sure that your next meal is a Zone meal to get you back where you belong.

In the Zone, no foods are completely off limits. "That means you can eat anything, as long as it has the right balance of protein, carbs, and fat", says Dr. Sears. Wine is even allowable because of the substantial amount of antioxidants it contains. For more info. visit For additional information go to Zone Diet Nutrition and learn more about the Zone Diet Plan


Edna Hemingway is a writer and researcher of weight loss issues. For more info. go to

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Hoodia Gordonii for nutrition

News on Hoodia GordoniiMagno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater

You are not THAT needy to have to talk with someone who won't really be there for you!
Visit this site for more News on...
Magno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater

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A blog about Ethylene Egg

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(How about people who are allergic to eggs?) ... Ethylene Glycol, used as automobile anti-freeze....

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Used in: Baked goods, baking mixes, cereals, cheese products, chewing gum, condiments, confections, frostings, dairy products, egg products, fats, oils, margarine, f...

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July 1, 2004 -- Both marketers and consumers have long grappled with the challenge of keeping fruits and vegetables fresher longer after they arrive home from the...

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Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:02:55 GMT
With the lights on, the Water Cube acquires a dreamlike character. (Photo courtesy: Gong Wenbao) As a symbol of change in China, from socio-political transformation to increased East-West collaboration and a new energy-saving consciousness, the National Aquatics Centre takes some beating.

Holistic RemedyHesperidin Nutrition

Hesperidin, classified as a citrus bioflavonoid, contains the flavone glycoside (glucoside), and is composed of the flavone (class of flavonoids) hesperitin and the deschloride rutinose. Lemons and peppers have high amounts of hesperidin, with it being most concentrated in the peels and membraneds

Sweet oranges (citrus sinesis) and tangelos are the richest dietary sources of hesperidin; and orange juice rich in pulp contains more flavonids than the strained variety.

,b>Hesperedin?s Positive Health Effects

Hesperidin, and a flavone glycoside diosmin, is used in Europe to treat venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids. Both Hesperidin and rutin, are thought to aid in reducing capillary permeability and may also have anti-inflammatory effects. These are classified as Vitamin P.

Hesperidin, animal research has indicated, may be beneficial treat vascular disorders, cancer, and some autoimmune diseases, and function as an anti-allergen in humans.

More of Hesperidin?s Positive Health Effects

Hesperidin, along with other bioflavanoids, can improve both capillary and connective tissue health, helping with bruising, varicose veins, and fragile capillaries.
Hesperedin may help alleviate hay fever and other similar allergies.

Hesperidin is an important nutrient that works together with Vitamin C to maintain the health of collagen: the breakdown of collagen results in sagging and wrinkling of the skin. Hesperedin is most effective when taken synergistically with Vitamin C; its benefits will otherwise be minimal.

Hesperiding: What to Watch Out For

Hesperidin should not be used by those hypersensitive either to it or to any hesperidin-containing products. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, unless they have their doctors? approval, should avoid high doses. Hesperidin has been known to cause nausea and other gastrointestinal problems.
Because hesperidin is not considered an essential nutrient, there is no RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) set.

The incidence of hesperidin toxicity, according to various studies, is insignificant, but it may be wise to avoid dosages above 500 mg,

A dosage of between 10 mg and 100 mg seems, in terms of safety and maximizing health benefits, seems best.

How to Select a Hesperidin Supplement

1. Obtain your product from pharmaceutical GMP compliant manufacturers, which comply with the strictest regulatory standards for the manufacture of nutritional supplements. Consumers need to be vigilant regarding this issue, because dietary supplements are unregulated in the U.S., and many products have been shown either to contain contaminants, or be missing the ingredients stated on the label.

2. Make sure to find a product that does not contain any fillers or additives--examples include sugar, starch, gluten, silica (sand!), or any artificial colors or flavors of any kind.

3. Hesperidin, as mentioned above, works synergistically with Vitamin C, in maintaining the health of collagen, and the health enzyme Bromelain, derived from pineapples, which enhances its absorption and maximizes the benefits of hesperidin. All three nutrients, therefore, should, for full efficacy, be taken together. We also believe it is best to take the nutrient with the other prominent bioflavonoids, quercitin and rutin.

The product we personally use called Total Balance, which contains Hesperidin - is the best supplement we have come across. We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results.

We highly recommend you learn more about our best natural nutritional supplement if you are interested in improving your overall health.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.


Recent information on Gelatinized Maca Powder

Gelatinized Maca PowderMaca - Primal Energy

Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:46:54 EDT
Helps to improve levels of concentration for kids and promotes mental clarity It comes in capsules and powder form. ... There is regular powder and gelatinized powder where the starch has been removed....

A Few Healthy Resources.

Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:56:26 EDT
Whey Healthier Protein Powder http://shop. mercola. ... High Quality Gelatinized Imperial Gold Maca. (/www. imperialgoldmaca. com/maca....

Gelatinized Maca PowderThe Benefits of Not Having Health Insurance

Sounds silly doesn?t it.

But wait.

The benefits of not having health insurance can be summed up in one word.


When you know that you?re going to have to pay for every doctor visit and every prescription, you become motivated about how to maintain good health.

And when you do have a problem, when you do require care, when you are in fear for your life you learn how to function within the medical system.

Did you know you can negotiate the medical bill you receive from a hospital?

It?s true.

A year or so ago I was in immense pain. My lower back hurt and then the pain spread to my groin.

It was unbelievable pain. So bad I couldn?t drive. I asked my daughters to call their mom, my ex-wife, to get a ride to emergency.

On the drive I heaved my guts out into a bowl in her car. Once there I continued heaving through the check in procedure.

I have a doctor, but I don?t have health insurance. (My daughters do.)

They got my address etc. and then put me on a gurney in a corridor.

There I lay, moaning and groaning for an hour.

Nothing happened.

No care, except for my ex-wife, bless her heart.

Then the doctor appeared looking at a clipboard, told me he suspected it was a kidney stone, but wanted to do tests. A technician wheeled me away, told me I should stop moaning, and when we arrived at the room where the tests would be done told me to ?get off the gurney,? and then did a CAT scan. I remember telling him he should say ?please. ? He replied, ?oh, yes, please,? but he laughed when he said it.

An hour later they read the scan, saw the stone, and hooked me up to an IV and started the pain killer cruising through my veins. Twenty
minutes later I was better.

?Stone got lodged going around a corner,? said the kind doctor. ?Should pass within twenty-four hours.?

A little later we left.

My total stay in emergency was between three or four hours.

Then the bill arrived a month later.


There were no details of what constituted the expenses, just the bill.

?We don?t itemize anymore said one hospital administrator I spoke with, but if you pay the bill off within 14 days of receiving it we?ll give you a 40% discount. That?s what the insurance companies pay.?

So now we were down to $3600.

That?s $900 an hour for my stay at emergency.

But I thought I might be able to do better. I wanted to pay them something for their services, but I wanted to pay a fair market value.

?I want to negotiate,? I said.

?I can?t do that,? she replied.

?Who can?? I asked.

She fidgeted, and gave me a name and a title.

The next day I met with the name and title.

She had power.

The power to negotiate bills.

We locked horns.

She was good.

So was I.

I?m sure you can imagine the conversation.

It was intense. She was fighting for the hospital, me for my checkbook.

One phrase that I kept repeating to her was, ?I want to pay you something; you did help me, but I want to pay you a fair market value for services received.?

I mentioned the technician, the stay in the corridor.

She mentioned all kinds of time payment plans, programs, and forms I could fill out.

Not my style.

Finally she said the words I was waiting to hear.

?What exactly did you have in mind??

?A thousand bucks,? I replied.

She scoffed.

The room was hot.

We were dead-locked.

We both took a breath.

?What?s the best you can do?? I asked realizing she would have to answer to her superiors.

She tapped on her electric adding machine.

?$2300,? she replied. ?We have our bills to pay too.?

I sensed she was growing weary, at the end of her rope. We?d been at it for fifteen or twenty minutes.

?Okay, I said, make it $2000 and you have a deal. I reached for my wallet to make my point.

She hit the buttons on the adding machine again. It clicked out a white cash register size receipt.

I held the credit card in front of her.

Visa. Platinum.

She glanced at the card, back at the adding machine, thought a moment, then smiled at me.

?I?ll draw up the paper work,? she said ripping the ticker tape out of the adding machine and taking the card from my outstretched hand.

Still, I wasn?t completely satisfied. I wish I had gone longer, offered to split the difference between my $1000 and her $2300, but something told me that was as far as we were going to get.

I had negotiated a 66% discount on my bill.

I haven?t had health insurance since 1999, so that would have been six years of no premiums, which for me would be $800 a month, or $48,000 for six years. (Because I have a pre-existing condition, Graves Disease, insurance companies don?t want to cover me unless they can charge these high premiums). If I calculate my $2000 bill, divide it by six years I arrive at $333. per year, or $27.75 a month.

That?s quite a saving actually.

So, I?m going to practice my negotiating skills and continue bicycling, exercising, eating healthy foods, getting lots of sleep, laughing a lot (It?s good for your immune system) having my brandy and chocolate, and keep striving to maintain my ideal weight.

Why? Because I?m motivated. And that?s the greatest benefit of not having medical insurance.

From: Cutting Back @ Booklets From Jim Muckle @
