Saturday, January 24, 2009

Did you hear of Natural Remedies

Natural RemediesIf You?re Going To Diet, Be Sure To Supplement With Discount Vitamins

For many people, the word ?diet? means cutting calories and giving up fattening foods; for others it is the adoption of certain eating habits, such as vegetarianism or veganism. Some people see a diet as a temporary change in eating habits in order to lose weight while others view it as a permanent lifestyle change either to live healthier or for moral beliefs. Whatever the reason an individual goes on a diet, it can be almost certain that the restrictions will cause nutritional deficiencies. Maintaining balanced nutrition is difficult enough under normal circumstances, but when certain foods are omitted from one?s daily diet or the amount of nutrients consumed is limited, it is virtually impossible to get all of the vitamins, minerals, and other building blocks of life that are vital to everyday health. Discount vitamins can play an important role in maintaining vibrant health and can actually help in the weight loss process.

The USDA has developed a food pyramid for people to use as an everyday guide to healthy eating. This pyramid is based on normal calorie consumption (2000 calories for women and 2500 calories for men) and is customized based on age and activity level. Dieters looking to lose weight must reduce their caloric intake by 500 calories per week in order to lose 1 pound per week or 1000 calories per week in order to lose 2 pounds per week. Limiting calories also limits the amount of nutrients the body receives. It?s very difficult to follow the food pyramid recommendations and stay within the daily allotment of calories. Those who adopt diets that exclude certain food groups run into problems getting enough of the nutrients primarily found in those excluded foods. For instance, vegetarians often come up short on protein because of the exclusion of meat ? a major source of protein ? from their diets. It is important that anyone on a special diet, whether for weight loss or for lifestyle reasons, take measures ensure they are getting balanced nutrition to ensure good health.

Using discount vitamins and supplements is an excellent way to maintain proper nutrition while on a diet. Discount vitamins are available to fill any number of voids in a person?s diet. Multi-vitamins work well for achieving proper nutrition in general and filling in where daily eating habits are lacking. Many Americans do not get enough vegetables in their diet, which is a shame because they are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K. These individuals may want to use specific supplements in order to get enough of these vitamins. Iron is another popular supplement for those on low carbohydrate diets. Breakfast cereal, bread, and pasta are the most common sources of iron but these are the foods that are cut out in a low carb diet. All women of childbearing age need more iron than men and elderly women.

As previously mentioned, vegetarians don?t eat any meat. A vegan diet is one free of any animal products whatsoever, including eggs and dairy products. Vegans and vegetarians can benefit from the lean protein found in soy and pea protein supplements. These individuals are also often lacking in vitamins B-12 and D. Vegans in particular are at risk for not getting enough calcium, a nutrient commonly found in milk and other dairy products. Adequate calcium and vitamin D is important in the fight against osteoporosis. People who follow fad diets are also at risk for various deficiencies. Fad diets include such programs as Atkins diet, the infamous grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, and most recently the Sonoran diet. These diets have been known to lead to weight loss, but they also promote certain food groups over others or promote excluding certain food groups altogether.

To say that any one nutrient is more important than any other is simply impossible. Protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals all work together to keep our bodies functioning properly. Protein and amino acids are the body?s building blocks (think muscle) while carbohydrates provide us with lots of energy. Vitamin C enhances the immune system and also serves as an antioxidant, helping fight the aging process. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant. Vitamin D and calcium work together for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin A is great for the vision and helps in building skeletal and soft tissues. Vitamin K helps blood clot on open wounds, saving us from bleeding to death.

The benefits of supplementing with vitamin B are two-fold, especially for those trying to lose weight. Vitamin B plays a major role in cell growth and the production of red blood cells, promoting healthy skin and muscle tone and, thus, helping in the war against signs of aging. It is also vital to the metabolism, helping the body effectively convert food into energy. This conversion is how the body burns fat and causes a person to lose weight.

Adequate nutrition and a balanced diet are what keep the body healthy and functioning at peak performance. When you think about the important role that each nutrient plays, it?s frightening to think how any kind of deficiency can affect the body as a whole. Maintaining a healthy weight and/or adopting dietary habits based on values and moral beliefs is a good thing and something to be commended, but it is also important to ensure that the body is getting everything it needs. Incorporating discount vitamins into healthy living will enhance the benefits of healthy choices.

About the Author:

By a freelance writer for VitaNet ? Health foods, who sells quality vitamins and herbs with a wide selection of Discount Vitamins that are in stock and ready to ship. Please link to this site when using article.

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Natural Supplements article

Quality Goji BerriesHealth Benefits Of Yoga

Copyright 2006 Donovan Baldwin

Yoga is an ancient way, practiced for thousands of years, steeped in tradition and, to most people, a mysterious enigma. When practitioners would speak of the many benefits they had experienced in both mental and physical health, yoga would seem to be both a perfect practice, or one whose claims were impossible to believe.

Practitioners of yoga, or yogis/yogins (yogini for the ladies) would speak of the unification of mind, spirit, and body. The belief was that when these were brought into balance the persons mental and physical health would improve. The word "harmony" would be heard a lot, as would be "healing", again, applied both to the body and the mind.

Until recently, you could only go by what someone who had personal experience could tell you. There was a reasonable amount of skepticism that yoga could actually be as beneficial to your mental and physical health as its proponents claimed.

However, in the last few years, scientific study, observation, and measurement have proven that yoga can indeed have specific observable affects on your health. It has been shown that body, mind, and spirit do work together and when the effective level of each is raised, the person experiences a much better life in terms of health, happiness, and harmony within himself or herself and with the world in general.

An article published by Johns Hopkins states:

"Over 75 scientific trials have been published on yoga in major medical journals. These studies have shown that yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity that also has important psychological benefits due to its meditative nature."

In our modern society, we are likely to look at yoga first as an "exercise program". As with any good exercise program, yoga can increase muscle strength and respiratory endurance, improve flexibility, and promote balance. It also tends to lessen pain in those afflicted with arthritis and helps to increase energy levels in those who practice it.

Yogis and yoginis also have long reported increases in what might be called positive mental states, along with decreases in negative mental states. They tend to report a greater level of optimism, a renewed or improved enthusiasm for life, and a higher sense of alertness and awareness of themselves and the world and people around them. They have also reported decreased levels of agressiveness, anxiety, and excitability, as well as lowered levels of physical complaints and illnesses.

Scientific observation and testing is now bearing out what practitioners have been saying for years. Studies on the biological, psychological, and biochemical aspects of yoga have shown a wide range of positive results for most who take up the practice of yoga.

When practiced over time, yoga tends to level pulse rate, stabilize the nervous system, normalize stomach and digestive activity, level hormones, and increase joint range of motion. It increases energy, endurance, immunity, and cardiovascular efficiency. It improves eye-hand coordination, reaction time, dexterity, and helps the person to get more restful and restorative sleep.

Yoga also seems to have psychological benefits as well. practitioners and those who study them report that it helps you become more aware of your body, accept yourself more readily, improve your concentration, memory, learning and mood.

Additional benefits of yoga as compared to other exercise programs is that it massages internal organs in a way that other programs do not, and produces a detoxifying effect. Some speculate that this may lead to delaying aging.

Finally, yoga can be practiced almost anywhere, anytime, by anyone, and requires no special equipment. It does not even require special training! While having an expert teach you personally would be best, a careful reading of books on the subject and a DVD or two can get you started. However, our modern citizens tend to throw themselves headfirst into new projects. Not only is this completely opposite from the philosophy and aims of yoga, but it can invite injury and strain. The people in the books and DVDs have been doing yoga for years. It is highly unlikely that you will immediately be able to duplicate their ability to achieve the positions they demonstrate. Just do the best you can, and then do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day...

As always, before beginning any physical fitness program, check with your doctor first to make sure it is okay for you to start. Once started, however, be aware that there are people in their 70s, 80s and 90s doing yoga. You will not be alone.

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