Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Raw Food Websites Information

Holistic RemedyWhat You Should Know Before Starting A Weight Loss Diet Plan

Before looking for weight loss diet plan. These tips that might help you take off a few pounds in a healthy way:

- Consult a physician? A dietician can formulate a right weight loss diet plan for your health condition.

- Water therapy is a good treatment that's also good for your skin and gets rid of those toxins!

- Don't skip meals, there's a greater tendency to indulge on overeating on a latter time.

- Exercise! Try to jog or brisk walk at least 30 minutes every single day.

- Do no go into crash diet; slowly aim in losing 2 or less pounds a week.

- Learn while dieting! Read good books on good nutrition

- Learn the value of discipline. Obesity may also be aggravated by people who do not monitor their diet.

Here is a list of the latest fad-diet plan:

Weight Loss Diet Plan 1 - The Atkins diet suggests you to lessen your carbohydrate intake. You might think its easy. Well, think again, with Atkins diet, there are surprisingly 2 dieters who already died due to health problems such as kidney stones, constipation, increase of blood acidity, etc.

Weight Loss Diet Plan 2 - The Blood type diet is quite interesting too! If you're Blood Type is O, you require meat in your diet; Blood type B needs dairy products whereas those under type A need vegetables. Most people do not know their blood types leading to poor diet; but on the other hand, a balance diet is vital for a healthy body.

Weight Loss Diet Plan 3 - You can also try the South Beach diet. This diet will not limit your intake of food; however, it will discourage you to eat those processed foods with saturated or high fat components. Large servings of vegetables and whole grains are recommended.

Weight Loss Diet Plan 4 - Soup Diet. As the name implies, your meals will be composed heavily of soups! It can be chicken and cabbage soups which can be accompanied by servings of steamed vegetables, fruits or brown sugar.

Weight Loss Diet Plan 5 - The Chocolate Diet sounds tempting doesn't it?! Included in the menus are the well-loved chocolates, popcorn and pasta. Just make sure that pasta sauces have low fat ingredients and that fruits are included in the recipes. Excluded are sodas or alcoholic beverages, oily or fried foods, caffeine, foods with high calories and high sugar content etc.

Weight Loss Diet Plan 6 - You can also choose the Fruit juice Diet; the well-known is the Grapefruit Diet. You will have to follow the prescribed diet with fruit juices, some low-carbohydrate meals and a good amount of water for 18 weeks. A recent survey shows that many patients who undertook this diet lost more than 10 pounds in a 12-week average diet plan.

A good amount of discipline is necessary; and precautious moves should always be on a top priority. It is your choice on whether to stay obese and unhealthy or be happy and strong! You owe yourself and your future family a longer life span and sustainable health which can be useful for you and the society...CONTINUE

If You're Looking For A NO B.S., NO Holds Barred and NO Hype Weight Loss Newsletter That Really Works... click here:

Healthy Travels

Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:00:00 CST
This is tremendously helpful for people with food allergies and sensitivities to gluten and other food components. In the websites listed here, ...

Our alternative to market madness -

Tue, 01 Apr 2008 18:42:05 GMT

Our alternative to market madness, UK - Apr 1, 2008
“Trawling leftwing and far-left websites”, he claims, shows that “they clearly have not got a clue either” about what to do. His “trawl” of Socialist ...

Clear Skin Diet Guaranteed to Give you Clear Skin

Thu, 04 Oct 2007 22:24:40 EDT
The skin is the body's largest organ and it covers you from head to toe. Just like the other organs, your skin also needs proper care and nourishment to look and feel healthy and avoid premature aging...

Trying to slim down? Pack a lunch (The Globe and Mail)

Wed, 02 Apr 2008 15:44:15 GMT
It's not only calories you'll bank - you'll also save money and time

Raw Food Websites NewsHealth & Beauty

Don�t worry kids�..many parents need to go to a adult fitness camp too���
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Health & Beauty

Dead Sea Magik

Lose belly fat step 1

Decrease that alcohol consumption. I am sure that most people know that alcohol can cause weight gain, but I am certain that they do not know the degree of impact that alcohol can cause. Excess alcohol consumption can really give you that belly. Have you seen people that are slim all over but have a belly sticking out? Well, that is effect of excess alcohol consumption. One gram of alcohol, which is can be calculated as one ml of alcohol contains 7 calories. Even thought the amount of calories is lesser than of fat, alcohol calories are completely useless. Alcohol does not contain any nutrients at all. So, the entire amount of calories consumed through alcohol will be stored as fat!
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Dead Sea Magik

Fullers Earth Powder

Dr. Arthur Agatston, the man behind the South Beach Diet, says excess consumption of �bad carbohydrates�such as those that are rapidly-absorbed carbohydrates have a high blood glucose level and that creates an impairment of the hormone insulin�s ability to properly process fat or sugar. Futhermore, he states that excess consumption of "bad fats" like the saturated fat and trans fat are responsible for an increase in cardiovascular disease. So in order to avoid this, the Doctor�s diet reduces consumption of bad fats and bad carbs and advises increased consumption of good fats and good carbs.
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Fullers Earth Powder


Wheatgrass Seeds Reviews and info

Wheatgrass SeedsWho'd like a slice of Raw SPAM...???

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 02:26:00 EDT
... ronds and pumpkin seeds on the side :) 1 quart water 2 pears 1. 5 quarts watermelon/orange juice 2 ... 1 quart beetroot/celery/apple juice 1 tbsp wheatgrass powder 3 cups watermelon/orange juice 3...

Turn trash to treasure - Aurora Beacon News

Sun, 06 Apr 2008 14:36:27 GMT

Turn trash to treasure
Aurora Beacon News, IL - Apr 6, 2008
Check your local coffee shop or health-food store, or purchase from a supplier such as Eco-Products, If you can find wheatgrass seed, ...

The Last Supper

Sun, 30 Mar 2008 20:11:26 EDT
So I picked up some containers of hemp seeds and chia seeds to rotate with the raw almonds, cashews and nut butters that I’l l look to as good sources of protein. ... I was still feeling like I got hit with a train, so I took Glen up on his suggestion for a pick-me-up shot of freshly-juiced wheatgrass....

April Newsletter: Detoxify! Spring Cleaning

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:28:41 EDT
... or a tablespoon of “Metamucil (psyllium seeds, available at any pharmacy) or the CAPSULAS DE FORMULA CASCARA SAGRADA-2 capsules with a glass of warm water a fter meals 3 times a day. ... -VIDA VITAL CAPSULES- The sea of algae for vitality, energy, detoxification and oxygenation- contains Spirulina, Chlorella, Wheatgrass, Beet root powder and Ginseng. 2 caps. 2-3 times a day....

Health and WellbeingFasting - 95% OF Dieters Fail - Fasting Will ENSURE You Beat The Odds!

If we control our appetite, our weight is automatically controlled and that?s exactly what fasting will teach you - How to control your appetite.

95% of people who start dieting give up and put on weight.

This is due to being unable to control appetite ? Learn to control your appetite through fasting and you succeed in healthy weight control.

Let?s look how fasting can help you lose weight.

As we have said only 5% of people who go on a diet and lose weight keep the weight off for five years or more.

What happens to the other 95%? They remain fat or get fatter.

Is it that the diets don't work? Yes and no.

The diets work, we don't.

We lack the discipline to control our diets and eventually slip back to old habit patterns.

There was plenty of dieting in the Bible. It was called fasting.

Fasting is simply the restriction of our usual eating.

Whether a fruit fast or a water fast or a fast from meat, or beef or sweets, fasting is a restriction of our food, a diet.

People have had the same temptations and weaknesses throughout recorded history.

Food has always been one of those weaknesses and fasting is a way to overcome the weakness for food.

The benefit of fasting is not just in weight loss.

A water fast will result in an average of 1 to 2 pounds per day of weight loss. But that is not the benefit of fasting for weight loss.

"I think that will benefit me," you may say, especially if you are overweight. But that is not the main reason for fasting.

Fasting can actually make you fatter.

The power of fasting is not in losing weight during the fast, but in gaining control of your appetite, which is the REAL problem to healthy weight control.

During a fast, the body burns its own fat.

As the body burns fat, it eliminates toxins and cleanses itself.

First, after several days, your metabolism slows down.

The body slows its metabolism approximately 20% after several days on a fast.

Medical science describes this as a survival mechanism. If the body is not getting food, then it slows down so that it needs less food.

This way, you can live much longer with no food if your body slows down.

Second, your digestive system is cleaner.

The villi in the intestines are cleaner, the stomach lining is cleaner, and the colon is cleaner.

If the lungs are clogged, the intestines coated with filth, the colon stopped up, the blood thick and sluggish, fat surrounding the heart and in the arteries, the body is running inefficiently.

A fast simply cleans up the body.

When you combine those two elements, a cleaner more efficient body with a slower metabolism, you need less food for the same level of activity.

Food is absorbed and utilized better in a clean digestive system.

Fasting will allow you to gain control of your appetite and you will gain the power of self-control after you have completed a long fast.

You may not get the self-control that you seek on your first fast.

But, do you master anything else on your first try?

Fasting on a periodic basis allows a person to gradually gain control over their appetite and this is the key to healthy weight control.

You will find that you are not hungry when you end your fast (after three days, hunger usually abates).

You are as not hungry and have control over what you eat and that is the main benefit of fasting.

You will no longer comfort eat or eat for the sake of eating. Your appetite will be controlled and you will eat less and not be hungry and gain control over your weight.


On all aspects of health and more on fasting for weight loss visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at



Another blog about Organic Raw Food

Organic Raw FoodThe Importance of Family Health Insurance Plans

It is nothing new to say that bringing up a family can be extremely expensive but one way to alleviate this cost is to have adequate family health insurance plans. Most people need medical treatment of some sort in their lives but few people anticipate this by obtaining sufficient family health insurance plans.

Visits to a medical practitioner can be costly enough but when prescription drugs are required or in-patient treatment such as an operation the money involved can be huge. Most family health insurance plans will offer coverage for doctor?s visits and out-patient treatments but the cost of monthly premiums increases with the level of coverage required.

You should consider the amount of choice you require when it comes to which doctors or hospitals you can receive treatment from under your insurance policy. Not only that, there are other services that you may need such as dental treatment, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, opticians visits and many more.
Family health insurance plans vary greatly between companies and this applies to the monthly premiums as well as the services offered. It is important to consider hereditary conditions within your family tree and make provisions for these to be covered by your chosen family health insurance plans.

Stress is a big part of modern life and an increasing number of people suffer with stress related illness and conditions. However, many family health insurance plans do not recognise this and refuse to cover mental illnesses which are caused by stress or anxiety. In fact, the list of exclusions for some family health insurance plans is longer than those that they do cover.

Of course, some hereditary conditions do not appear in every generation of a family but you should weigh up the pros and cons of obtaining family health insurance plans that cover these conditions.

Some family health insurance plans will not cover treatment for injuries sustained whilst engaging in dangerous work or pastimes. If you are a construction worker, for example, you may well find that your premiums are higher because you are in a high risk category of employment.

As with all insurance policies it is important to divulge everything that a prospective insurer asks to ensure that you do not nullify your insurance through neglecting to disclose a pertinent fact. This applies to existing conditions, hereditary diseases and conditions as well as the nature of your work or hobbies. It may seem unimportant to mention at the time but if you try to make a claim on your family health insurance plans you may find that it is refused.

Mike Spencer has been helping people protect their health for many years. To find out how you can help protect your family with affordable health insurance visit Mike's site at Gate Insurance. You can also keep up to date with the latest news at Mike's Stone Gate Articles here.

Our thoughts on Organic Raw FoodWheatgrass Juice

There are so many choices, that the Gourmet Coffee enthusiast will have a difficult time choosing,

The Gourmet Coffee lover can enjoy specialty coffee such as Pumpkin Spice, a rich savory coffee that is like a slice of pumpkin pie. These types of gourmet coffees are not available year round.
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Wheatgrass Juice

AFP - Nestle growth affected by rising raw material costs

Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:00:00 GMT
October 18, 2007 -- VEVEY, Switzerland (AFP) — The Swiss food group Nestle said Thursday that growing raw material costs were having an impact on its growth, as it...

Cabinet approves budget to import more fertiliser (Bangkok Post - Thailand's English news)

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 00:49:19 GMT
The cabinet yesterday approved only 300 million baht to the Agriculture Ministry to import approximately 20,000 tonnes of fertiliser, much lower than intended, to address soaring domestic fertiliser prices.

In the raw

Fri, 4 Apr 2008 00:00:00 CST
In fact, they argue, drinking the "good bacteria" in raw milk boosts their immune system and helps fight illness. In Nevada County, a raw food niche has ...

Wise Word: Food Labeling

Mon, 07 Apr 2008 19:06:23 EDT
Many of the food products are labeled as organic, vegan, natural, etc....

