Friday, September 05, 2008

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Holistic Remedy discussion

Our thoughts on Bentonite PowderHealth & Beauty

A mother also knows when her child becomes more lethargic than normal. Lethargy and a general disinterest in surroundings and stimuli are other symptoms of meningitis. Therefore, although a mother may not be aware of the symptoms of the disease, nor even suspect it, she can pick up on some of those which distinguish meningitis from most other diseases.
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Health & Beauty

Joint and Muscle Health

For each organ in TCM there is a corresponding meridian (energy pathway) that has functions relating to the parent organ. For example, the Liver meridian is related to the liver organ. Each meridian also has it�s own meridian functions. There are twelve main meridians, and they run all over the body from the toes, to the fingertips, to the top of the head. Along these meridians are found the acupuncture points. The points can be activated with very fine acupuncture needles or through massage.
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Joint and Muscle Health

Kelp Powder

I guess you would love to receive a check for a thousand bucks. You�re not the only one. An exciting challenge for freelance writers is to break in to high-paying writing markets. I�m not talking about all the magazines that pay twenty or thirty cents per word. I�m talking about publications that pay a dollar per word and more.
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Kelp Powder

Organic Spirulina Powder - 500g - �17.99


The latest Informaiton on Holistic

The Making of Whole Foods Market - Whole Foods Is All Teams (i)

Sun, 20 Jul 2008 15:22:48 EDT
There are fact sheets about wheatgrass juice and residue-free beef, and posters celebrating the virtues of sustainable agriculture. ... In short, Whole Foods Market is an upscale retailer with a hip twist — a marketing formula that’s...

Dried French Lavender Flowers
