Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another blog about Damiana

DamianaLocal briefs - Fresno Bee (subscription)

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:32:11 GMT

Local briefs
Fresno Bee (subscription), CA - Apr 18, 2008
... of the California State University, Fresno, Police Department; Joe Artellan of the California Highway Patrol; and Damiana Looney of American Ambulance. ...

Spokane Support Groups - The Spokesman Review

Tue, 13 May 2008 07:18:03 GMT

Spokane Support Groups
The Spokesman Review, WA - May 13, 2008
Meets the second Tuesday of the month, 5:15-6 pm, St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. Contact Damiana Harper at (509) 483-6495 ext. ...

Tweens Spend $500 Million a Year on Beauty Products - New York Magazine

Thu, 15 May 2008 22:17:07 GMT

New York Magazine

Tweens Spend $500 Million a Year on Beauty Products
New York Magazine, USA - May 15, 2008
These will also include Damiana, a natural aphrodisiac. No word on if they'll put out any new Internet movies featuring Kate Moss in her panties to promote ...

Tweens Spend $500 Million a Year on Beauty Products - New York Magazine

Thu, 15 May 2008 22:17:07 GMT

New York Magazine

Tweens Spend $500 Million a Year on Beauty Products
New York Magazine, USA - May 15, 2008
These will also include Damiana, a natural aphrodisiac. No word on if they'll put out any new Internet movies featuring Kate Moss in her panties to promote ...

DamianaVitamins To A Healthier You

Do we really need to take vitamin supplements to stay healthy? Or can we get enough of the nutrient I need just by eating a balanced diet?

Well, my friend, it isn?t easy. You can ask anyone who hates eating their green leafy vegetables and who balks at the though of eating broccoli for dinner.

Vitamins, multivitamins and supplements have been proven to provide a vast range of health benefits for your entire body.

A 2002 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study supports this claim. This conference, composed of experts from top research universities, experts from government agencies, and health advocacy organizations came to the conclusion that most Americans do not get the optimal level of important nutrients though diet alone. They recommended that multivitamins can well compensate for any gaps so that the necessary amount of nutrients needed by the body are met.

Not only are vitamins an accessible and affordable way to meet dietary requirements, they also provide other cost benefits.

A study entitled ?Multi-Vitamins and Public Health? illustrated this. The results of the study indicated that in older adults, a daily regimen of taking vitamin supplements could provide more than $1.6 million in Medicare savings over the next five years. In addition, there are possible savings because of lesser hospitalizations for cancer, infection and heart attack.

Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Anti-oxidants and Herbs

In this day and age, we are faced with pressures brought about by the modern world, in addition to the presence of free radicals. These put our bodies under so much pressure.

Vitamins can help as they ensure that we are ready to face the world and the pressures it brings. There is a wide variety of vitamins and antioxidants that can combat sickness and infection. Vitamin C ensures overall health and immunity. Vitamin E also enhances overall bodily health as well as cardiovascular and immune functions.

Essential Minerals include calcium (for muscle and bone health), magnesium (for healthy nerves and heart) and zinc (which boosts immune functions, cardiovascular, prostate and eye health).

Antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10, selenium and many others serve to defend our bodies from free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 helps in the producing cellular energy as well as ensuring heart and liver health. Selenium shows promise in reducing certain degenerative diseases such as cancer. It also promotes immune functioning. There are so many more that offer amazing health benefits.

Add to this list herbs that possess medicinal qualities. These should also be included in your armada to fight against sickness and free radicals. Chief among the herbs is garlic, which provides cardiovascular, cholesterol and blood pressure support. Ginseng on the other hand, gives energy and enhances endurance. Gingko biloba show promise in enhancing brain and memory function as well as providing support in the circulation of blood to extremities and the brain.

Indeed, there is supplement for almost any health concern.

About the Author:

Linda Polansky writes about Nutritional Bars,Black Cherry and vitamins


Lets talk about St Johns Wort Herb

St Johns Wort Herb10 Changes To Your Diet That Will Instantly Make it 90% Better

Most individuals do not eat like they are supposed to. Out of those individuals 95% of them don?t realize that by making 10 simple changes to their eating lifestyle they can improve their diet by 90% along with improving their health and overall well-being.

Apply these changes to your diet today and you too will be experiencing an increased benefit to your health, probable weight loss, a leaner body, and likely improvements to your blood profile. This all equals a longer healthier life.

Now let?s get started so you can benefit from these 10 simple changes that everyone can make immediately.

1. Hydration: Is there a difference

Consume Green Tea or Water instead of calorie filled drinks such as soft drinks. Green Tea has many health benefits and is a powerful antioxidant. You should be drinking 1ml of non-caffeinated fluid for every calorie that you consume. This works out between (8-12) 8oz glasses of Green Tea or Water a day.

2. Benefits of Fiber

Recommend consuming 25-35 grams of fiber per day. Since the average diet contains only 14 grams we could all use more fiber. Fiber will help satisfy hunger pangs as well as control insulin and blood sugar levels which tend to promote fat storage when they are elevated. By simply eating at least 1 serving of fruit and vegetables at every meal should get you to the goal of 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

3. The Importance of Protein

Eat lean protein sources which include; lean beef, chicken breasts, turkey breasts, salmon, low-fat cottage cheese and other low-fat dairy products, and whey protein powders, at every meal. This will also help control insulin levels and satisfy hunger pangs which tend to promote fat storage. You will find yourself naturally eating less food throughout the day if you eat some type of lean protein at every meal.

4. Frequent Meals: Why?

Eat 4-6 small meals day a day instead of the usual 2-3 large meals. Eating frequently will help regulate and boost your metabolism to burn more calories. By also including your protein and vegetables at these meals you will tend to eat less overall thereby reducing your calorie intake.

5. What are Whole Foods?

Consume whole foods that are high in fiber and low in sugar such as lean protein (lean beef, chicken, fish, and whey protein), fruits & vegetables (oranges, apples, strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, peppers, asparagus, carrots, nuts (almonds, cashews, & walnuts), and whole grains.
Try to minimize processed foods that come in a box or a bag. Instead choose whole grain choices such as whole wheat foods, oatmeals, and vegetables.

6. Healthy Fats: Yes, there are healthy fats

Consume adequate amounts of healthy fat foods such as olive oil, walnuts, almonds, or other Omega-3 products. Healthy fats are great antioxidants as well as help with brain function and many other essentials processes that take place in the body on a daily basis. Essential Fatty acids also help prevent certain diseases.

7. Superfoods

Include what I call ?Superfoods? into your meal plan on a daily basis. These include but not entirely lean meat, salmon, low fat plain yogurt, tomatoes, spinach, mixed berries, whole oats, mixed nuts, olive oil, flax seeds(or flax meal), green tea, and various beans. These are just some of the ?Superfoods? you should be incorporating into your daily meal plans.

8. Fat

Keep total fat intake under 30% for the day. This can be accomplished by not adding too many extra fats such as butter, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc. This doesn?t mean you have to completely eliminate these items, but do not eat them as a regular food item every day.

9. Food Log: Yes, this is the most important step

Record what you eat and drink. You will be amazed at what you consume and not even realize you did it until you right it down and reflect back on the day. Keeping a food log is critical to your success because if modifications need to be made you need something to be able to evaluate and analyze. If changes aren?t happening like you had hoped the answer can usually be found in your food and or exercise journal.

10. Food Labels

Review food labels. Avoid foods packed with excess sugar, calories, or foods that contain any trans-fats. You should be looking for more natural foods and not overly-processed foods. Ingredients to look for and avoid or minimize if they are one of the top ingredients listed in the ingredients list: Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.

If you see these ingredients listed at the top then that means the product is made up of that ingredient as it?s largest source.

Now I don?t expect you to make every change in one day. What I do expect is that if you are serious about living a better life and a healthier life then you need to make these changes over the next 4 weeks. The best way to accomplish this task is to map out your plan. Create meal plans and have a plan of attack in place in regards to what you are eating and when.

You will start to see just how easy it is to live a healthier life and achieve the goals that you desire.

Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS, is a registered dietitian and fitness professional with more than 10 years of experience. He is also co-creator of Meal Plans 101 nutrition software To download your FREE copy of Jayson?s special report ?10 Flat Out Lies and Myths That The Food Companies Are Using To Make You Fat?, visit:

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Spring is time for health, cleanup and garden work (Corvallis Gazette-Times)

Sun, 18 May 2008 06:09:34 GMT
Columnist Memorial Day is almost upon us. It’s time for the spring cleanup at the Summit Cemetery in time to greet the annual visitors. Activities will begin Saturday promptly at 10 a.m. (rain or shine), and volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gardening implements, if possible. Fuel for power tools will be provided.

Natural RemedyHow Gourmet Coffee Can Benefit Health


How Gourmet Coffee Can Benefit Health

Submitted By: Stephanie Larkin

The reports we hear and see about the benefits and risks of drinking coffee can be confusing. Some reports say that drinking coffee offers many health benefits. While other reports say that drinking coffee carries health risks. One week the gourmet coffee you love to drink is good for you, and the very next week it is bad for you.

A lot of the confusion begins with the caffeine content found in coffee. It is the caffeine that makes coffee such a stimulating drink. Caffeine gives you a quick energy boost and may even help you focus more on what you are doing and can help you remember details a little better. But caffeine has also been shown to cause health risks when consumed in large amounts. How much is too much is hotly debated in health circles, and a clear consensus on the allowable amount of caffeine that can be consumed daily without risking health, remains to be reached. Taking a more cautious stance on the suggested amounts of caffeine that can safely consumed however, many health experts do recommend a limiting of no more than 3 cups of caffeinated coffee per day for coffee drinkers, and reducing caffeine intake from other beverages like teas and sodas.

Lost in the shadows of all the debating over caffeine in coffee are the health benefits that gourmet coffee, for example, offers. Gourmet coffee is derived from the seed or bean of the Arabica coffee plant. It has far less caffeine content than the coffee that is made from the seeds of other varieties of the coffee plant. The Arabica coffee plant is typically grown in elevations ranging from 1000 to more than 5,500 feet above sea level, and in regions with rich soils and climates that foster the healthy growth and development of this plant. Because of these conditions, the beans retain higher amounts of their healthy properties while less-desirable properties such as caffeine are reduced.

The gourmet coffee bean used in the brewing of gourmet coffee for drinking, is full of antioxidants that offer us protection against the radicals that are present in our bodies and that can make us sick and even make us more susceptible to major conditions like heart disease and cancers. The conditions under which the gourmet coffee bean is grown permits less use of pesticides which are harmful to humans, animals, plants, and the environment. When pesticides are used to control insect infestations and plant diseases, they can infiltrate the plant and remain there even after processing, although usually in lesser amounts. But consuming pesticides in any amounts from the foods we eat and the beverages we drink is not good for our health. They can cause serious and even deadly risks to our health when consumed regularly because the level of pesticides grows higher than what our bodies has natural defenses to fight. Other harmful substances are often added to foods and drinks made available for consumers to extend shelf life and enhance appearance, and these can harm our health as well.

The antioxidant properties in gourmet coffee can help the body to fight off the harmful affects of the pesticide residuals and added substances we ingest from the foods and beverages we consume. Antioxidants help the body to neutralize these radicals before they can develop into serious and deadly diseases. Other properties in gourmet coffee beans have been shown to reduce the risks for developing heart disease for many coffee drinkers who are at higher risk for heart disease.

Caffeine can of course give you a quick burst of energy and this is why many people drink coffee. But the other properties in the gourmet coffee bean and present in the brewed coffee we drink interact with chemicals in the brain to elevate mood, and improve powers of concentration and comprehension. These attributes are viewed as health benefits that can result from the consuming of gourmet coffee.

Drinking coffee has long been a social activity and sharing a cup of coffee with a friend or in a group setting benefits us by meeting the basic human need we all have of connecting socially with other human beings. In unfamiliar surroundings and settings, drinking coffee offers the comfort of something familiar to the coffee drinker, which can reduce the stress of being in a new place or with new people.

The health benefits gained by drinking gourmet coffee far outweigh the risks associated with caffeine consumption when you take care not to consume more caffeine than is recommended. Two or three cups of gourmet coffee a day should not present a risk to your health. You should be aware of how much caffeine you are consuming daily in other beverages and substitute decaffeinated versions of your favorite gourmet coffee and beverages to keep caffeine consumption levels under control.

About the Author:

Stephanie Larkin is a freelance writer who writes about topics pertaining to the food and beverage industry such as Gourmet Coffee | Tazo Tea

Article Tags: caffeine, coffee, gourmet

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