Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Recent information on Raw Food Websites

Raw Food Websites DiscussionFact Sheets

There is much more we could say on the topic of health food and vitamins. But just by following these simple suggestions you will be well on you way to a healthier diet. The many benefits you will see from increasing your intake of health food and vitamins include weight control, more energy and a reduced risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Deborah Prosser is a partner in Ipcor Publishing and Personal Logs.com www.personallogs.com. She is publisher of the website Get In Shape www.getinshape.ipcor.com. You can find more information about healthy food choices on her webpage http://www.getinshape.ipcor.com/Health-Food-Vitamins.
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Fact Sheets

Barley Grass Powder

Transfatty acids. Foods high in trans fatty acids tend to raise blood cholesterol. These foods include those high in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as many hard margarines and shortenings. Foods with a high amount of these ingredients include some commercially friend foods and some bakery goods.
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Barley Grass Powder

Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules

Having primarily relied on dieting for weight control or reduction, they see gym training as a method of speeding up the calorie burning, streamlining process. Unfortunately, these women don't understand the relationship between muscle and shape. Dieting and aerobics alone will leave them with unappealing, unshaped muscles unless they do some kind of resistance training to better their bodies overall muscular condition. Muscle, unlike fat, can be shaped and contoured. And most women would benefit by losing an inch of adipose tissue and replacing it with a half-inch of muscle tissue.

Women have the same skeletal muscles as men, and, as with men, their muscles need to be properly exercised to form a truly well-conditioned, well-proportioned physique. Women also need to be aware that strength and femininity are not mutually exclusive. A woman can be strong with a "hard body" and be sexually desirable and feminine as well. Moreover, the double standard that permits men to grow old, but not women, should be abolished. Still, training the body becomes even more necessary with advancing age. Without some kind of resistance training the muscles begin to sag and atrophy while a woman is in her early 20s. And by the time she reaches her 30s or 40s, it's quite possible for her to lose all the sex appeal she was so proud of when she was young.

Obviously, weight training cannot stop the aging process. But it can stave off the limitations of old age by keeping the body healthy and strong. Weight training slows down, and in some cases reverses, what time and gravity inflict on the body. As a consequence, a woman can have an eye-catching, physically fit body regardless of what her chronological age may be.
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Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules

Raw Food WebsitesClear Skin Diet Guaranteed to Give you Clear Skin

Thu, 04 Oct 2007 22:24:40 EDT
The skin is the body's largest organ and it covers you from head to toe. Just like the other organs, your skin also needs proper care and nourishment to look and feel healthy and avoid premature aging...

Ecozone Magno Fuel - Save Petrol!
Raw Organic Goji Berries Wolfberries Lycium Barbarum


Organic Cacao Nibs for health

Organic Cacao NibsOrganic superfruit ingredients debut in North America (Nutraingredients.com)

Fri, 07 Mar 2008 18:20:01 GMT
Superfruits and their extracts have flooded onto global markets in recent years but few can claim organic status as do Navitas Natural 's suite of Asian and South American superfruits.

Drink that says 'Be my valentine' (Macon Telegraph)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:12:55 GMT
The Ancient Maya thought of it as the nectar of the gods, and Europeans revered it as a symbol of wealth and power. Rich and soul-satisfying, hot chocolate is a delicious way to say "Be my valentine."

Organic Cacao Nibs NewsSuperfoods: U - Z

Coconut oil for your scalp and scalp

What coconut oil can do for your skin it can do for your hair.
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Superfoods: U - Z

Health and NutritionBoost Energy Naturally With Bee Pollen


Boost Energy Naturally With Bee Pollen

Submitted By: Darrell Miller

There are many concerns today over products that claim to produce energy. Many drinks, pills and powders claim to create natural energy. In reality, they are filled with chemical such as caffeine or even the controversial stimulant known as ephedrine.

It is a relief when you find an answer to the lack of energy that is completely natural and without synthetic interference or additives. Bee pollen may be one of the most beneficial health additives known to mankind. The best quality is its lack of artificial stimulants to cause such health concerns.

Bee pollen starts with the dust-sized material transported from blossom to blossom by honeybees through pollination. Bees have natural enzymes in their bodies that mix with the pollen to create what is known as, ?bee pollen.? This substance is collected with no harm to the bee and no disturbance to the ?hive.? To harvest pollen, collectors are placed at the entrances to the hives. When bees enter their hives, particles of bee pollen naturally fall from their bodies. A special device is placed beneath the entrance to catch this loose pollen.

This substance has been touted as being a great ?discovery,? that has actually been in existence for millennia. Ancient civilizations around the world depended on honey, and its derivatives, not only for its sweetening agents but also for health and healing. The Ancient Egyptian civilization documented using honey even as an ointment for wounds to prevent infection.

There are also reports that the Ancient Chinese civilization used bee pollen for everything from rejuvenation to cleansing of the body.

The antioxidant ingredients in bee pollen include beta carotene, lycopene and many more. Lycopene has recently gained much popularity for its aggressiveness against ?free radicals,? or the substances in the body that can cause certain forms of cancer.

Bee pollen has been a substance involved in countless studies since the 1970s. Athletes have attributed their energy and stamina to the consumption of bee pollen. The substance has even been reported to help with weight loss and improve memory skills.

Bee pollen is known to aide in the supply and distribution of carbohydrates in the body. Its many health benefits include fatty acids and a range of vitamins. Reports and studies both indicate that bee pollen can supply Vitamin A, B-1, C, D and E. Some consumers have also reported the substance to have anti-aging properties.

Bee pollen should be taken with care for people with plant allergies. But there are individuals who have actually reported a decline in their allergy problems after starting a regimen that included bee pollen.

While a great supplement for health in many individuals, this substance can cause an allergic reaction in those who have such allergies. Talk with your health care professional if you have concerns of allergies. Also, ensure your pollen comes from a source that is outside of a major metropolitan area, or protectively grown if inside an urban area. This prevents any concerns of pollution. Bee Pollen is available at your local health food store.

About the Author:

More information on Natural Bee Pollen is available at VitaNet ?, LLC Health Food Store. http://vitanetonline.com/

Article Tags: bee, health, pollen

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Have you heard of Spirulina Online

Spirulina OnlineWhat is Bee Pollen?

What is bee pollen is a fabulous question and a fascinating subject besides. While asking the question what is bee pollen you must keep in mind that these little creatures are one of mankind?s greatest treasures.

What is Bee Pollen and Where Does it Come From?

Bee pollen is the tiny particles of male seed found on every flower blossom in the world, of every variety. These tiny dust particles collect on the bee?s legs as they flutter from blossom to blossom. The bees produce a number of enzymes into the pollen. A scientifically invented wire grate that softly removes the pollen from the bee?s legs as they pass through the grate into the hive usually collects the pollen. The pollen that is brushed from the bee?s hind legs is caught in a vessel that is located beneath the wire grate.

The vessel is collected by the beekeepers more than twice a week. Upon collection of the bee pollen, it is usually frozen to maintain hive freshness. After it is frozen, it is then crumbled apart in a frozen state to protect the tiny granules. This is where bee pollen comes from and the exotic answer to what is bee pollen.

What is Bee Pollen Granules

Bee pollen granules are the tiny pollen dust particles that bees collect while traveling from flower blossom to flower blossom. Add to that the bees own special addition of a secret ingredient creates the bee pollen granule. They are collected from the receptacle beneath the wire grate at the entrance of the hive.

In selecting bee pollen granules it is important you inquire about the coloring of the granules themselves and even better if you can see a picture of them or see them in person. They should be of plentiful color that indicates that the bees have collected the bee pollen from many different plant sources. This is also a great indicator of the amount of healthy nutrients in the product.

The insect parts and floral pieces are then removed and it is ready for minimal processing before being sold. This should answer your question of what are bee pollen granules. For more detailed information, seek a website that satisfies your needs and research the procedures and collection areas for your safety.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - http://www.bee-health-product.com

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Jean Helmet is one of the main editors for a series of nutrition sites. Check out our Bee supplement source, for further information on pollen.

Our thoughts on Spirulina OnlineBrain Support

There is frequently a delay between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis. This is because early symptoms such as fatigue and arthralgia are non-specific.
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Brain Support

Echinacea Powder

4. Don't throw away the water used for cooking your vegetables. Drink it, or save it for tomorrow's soup. Such water is rich in the vitamins extracted from the vegetables during the cooking process.
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Echinacea Powder


Health article

Natural Aphrodisiacs TopicsHeart Attacks

Where do you sign up?

Not at your local McDonald�s or Burger King.

Nor at your local greasy spoon restaurant.
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Heart Attacks

Rio Yerba Mate Teabags 40 x 1500mg bags

You may say that since you have been taking a certain drug that you haven't had any gout attacks, and as far as you are concerned not much else matters. Unfortunately the prescription drugs have only palliated your condition, and with constant ingestion of anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers your gouty condition will continue to develop behind the scenes, and your general health will deteriorate as a result of the drugs you are taking.

Alternative medicine, depending on what modality you have chosen, would firstly want to overhaul your diet, for a diet rich in purine foods would certainly exacerbate the condition, and may even be solely responsible for your gout.

Foods high in purines and are therefore to be avoided: Meat gravies, stocks, organ meats, shellfish, anchovies, sardines, herrings, mussels, mushrooms and asparagus. Alcohol, particularly beer is high in purines, and for that reason must be avoided. Any alcohol taken should be followed by copius amounts of water to avoid dehydration and consequent uric acid build-up. Meat, white flour, sugar, poultry, dried beans, fish, oatmeal,cauliflower, spinach and peas are moderately high in purines, and may need to be avoided.
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Rio Yerba Mate Teabags 40 x 1500mg bags

De-Hulled / Shelled Organic Hemp Seeds - 500g
Raw Organic Cacao Nibs - 125g
