Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Did you hear of Health

Japan Inc. - Natural born killers.(Cancer treatment innovation)

Thu, 01 Nov 2007 07:00:00 GMT
November 1, 2007 -- Cancer cells exist in all of our bodies. Thanks to the presence of Natural Killer (NK) cells that diligently patrol our system, these cells are...

Organic Skin Care: What Are You Putting On Your Face

Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:40:39 EDT
Reading labels on organic skin care products can be just as confusing as reading ingredients for non-organic products. This list has been compiled to help you understand what each ingredient does for ...

HealthBrain Health: Using Supplements to Give Your Brain a Boost

We eat carrots to give us stronger eyes, fiber to lower cholesterol and vitamins for general health so why not take something for brain health? Focusing on the health of our brains may be increasingly important especially as our society lives longer into their golden years. Our brain's ability to function will significantly affect the quality not just of our present but of the years to come.

Supplements for brain health is not as unusual as it may sound. As the natural supplement industry grows and more studies are done regarding the effect of various nutrients on the body the more manufacturers are able to create supplements that target specific areas.

Brain health can be impacted by a variety of things, but proper nutrients are one of the more powerful factors that can impact your brain. Vitamins such as B complex vitamins (Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacinamide, etc.) help the body to efficiently burn foods for energy, produce amino acids and enzymes necessary for maintaining healthy cells and cell function. Compounds like 5-hydroxytryptophan and Acetyl L-Carnitine help the body decrease pain, improve mood and prevent damage to brain cells through antioxidant properties. Herbal extracts like Ginkgo Biloba, which improves blood flow to the brain as well as promotes concentration and Ginseng which reduces stress as well as fatigue and promotes the immune system also play a role in brain health.

When using supplements for brain health it is important to look for companies with an established history and a reputation for quality as well as purity in the ingredients they utilize. It may also be wise to discuss any supplements you use with a doctor who is familiar with supplements to ensure that there is no conflicts with your medical history. Even so, many supplements for brain health have been formulated to be safe and effective for most people.

Taking any supplements for brain health should also be considered a part of your overall health strategy. A good diet, exercise and being mentally active are also important parts of keeping your brain strong and healthy into your later years. When used in conjunction with these things, supplements can make a powerful tool in ensuring a sound mind through the aging process.

There are a wide variety of supplement manufacturers out there so it pays to do your homework. The web has a lot of information, which can be a challenge to sift through, but worth it to find the right product for you. Good supplements for brain health will incorporate the ingredients mentioned above at a minimum along with other nutrients that support brain cell functioning, blood flow and neurotransmitter production. Look for companies that explain in detail what ingredients they include and what impact they have on your brain. Armed with that knowledge you should be able to find a solid product that will help you increase your brain health and give you a jump on aging gracefully.

J. Wall has an avid interest in natural remedies for the treatment of memory loss. He is a regular contributor to Memory Enhancement Guide, a site dedicated to improving memory and concentration.

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