Thursday, June 12, 2008

Holistic Remedy Info

Wheatgrass RetailerDieting While Partying: Check Out Various Diet Tips And Weight Loss Tips

Dieting While Partying: Check Out Various Diet Tips And Weight Loss Tips

 by: Jasdeep

It's really difficult for a person to socialise if he is on a Diet. Totally ignoring parties and invitation is definitely not a solution.You have to strike a balance between your diet and social parties which, trust me, isnt easy at all . But we can always take necesaary precautions so as to avoid overeating.

Here is some valuable tips to keep everyone happy.

  1. Try eating light snacks aroung 6 PM before leaving for the party. The problem with late night parties is that dinner isnt served before 11 and by that time rats are running in everyones stomach, so people end up eating a lot which they shouldnt.

  2. At dinner, try eating vegetables only along with some fat free yoghurt . If you cant resist non-veg, go in for grilled chicken.

  3. Caution: Do not drink soups at parties as they have cornflour which is by any means not good for people who are on diet.

  4. Avoid unhealthy food like white bread, deep fried foods and oily vegetables.

  5. Choose salads with combination of chicken and and greens with marinated vegetables. Chinese greens are great choice anyday.

  6. Eat your food slowly and cherish it to the fullest.

Few more veryday Diet Tips for everyone:

  1. If you prefer non-vegetarian food, eat more fish and lesser red meat. Infact one should avoid Red Meat . It not only increase Cholestrol but also makes you more susceptible to heart attack and other heart related diseases.

  2. Your Diet should have less sodium and more fibre . Fibre improves your digestion and keeps your stomach in good shape.

  3. People with cholestrol problem should not eat york at all.Keep them for kids.

  4. Get into the habbit of eating fruits as desserts instead of high calorie ice creams and puddings.

For more Diet Tips, weight Loss tips and msucle building tips visit

About The Author

Jasdeep Singh: .

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The most important thing to remember to keep an eye on what you are doing - keep a food diary and keep track. Food diaries are very helpful to us, and are not just for calorie counters. Now before you say "But thin Sally doesn't use one, why should I?" -- 'Thin Sally' obviously doesn't have a food problem. Thin Sally probably already eats healthy and in moderation & is probably physically active to boot. Those wanting to lose weight on the other hand DO have a problem and need to work on it. You may not be aware of what you are putting in your mouth.... that popcorn & soda at the movies... the couple of mouthfuls of cheese at the grocery shop stand. You need to put in everything and work from there.
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The first problem, the impact treadmill training will have on your overall fitness program, depends on your fitness aim. So if it is purely to become fit then stay there, you will find the treadmill a winner. Running offers a fine cardio workout, and though it is not equally effective on all parts of the body it helps your legs (of course) and your back, chest, stomach and arms. Some folk will want to complement the running with Pilates, swimming, weights or whatever. Another bonus for runners is that it is one of the exercises that works your bones - good for keeping osteoporosis at bay. If running is not yet in your sights, running machines are great for walking on as well.
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In comparison, chemical extraction using organic solvents leaves adsorbed chemical residues in the finished products. The solvents may react with the active compounds and degrade them. To remove the solvents from the extracted products, high temperature heating is required, which may degrade the active constituents. As a result, the quality of the extracted products is generally inferior to that from supercritical fluid extraction.

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� Eat a healthful diet, one that is low in saturated fat and rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
� Exercise regularly.
� Maintain a healthy weight.
� Don't smoke. If you smoke, quit.
� Drink alcohol in moderation. Moderate alcohol intake is no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.

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