Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Holistic Remedy discussion

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Brand Packaging - Gas-absorbing 'shells' could reduce spoilage.(Market-Driven Innovations)(Brief Article)

Thu, 01 Jul 2004 07:00:00 GMT
July 1, 2004 -- Both marketers and consumers have long grappled with the challenge of keeping fruits and vegetables fresher longer after they arrive home from the...

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� Warm up BEFORE stretching. This is important. Muscles are tight when cold and stretching them can injure them. What is a good warm up? A slower version of the activity you are going to do is good. For example, walk for 5 minutes before you begin running. If you are going to throw a ball, gentle arm circles and other movements for several minutes will warm up the shoulder and elbow joints.
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Ethylene Egg Gas GuardianFlorida Health Insurance

August 28, 2006
Making Sense of Health Insurance
The term health insurance refers to a wide variety of insurance policies. These range from policies that cover the costs of doctors and hospitals to those that meet a specific need, such as paying for long-term care. Even disability insurance--which replaces lost income if you can't work because of illness or accident--is considered health insurance, even though it's not specifically for medical expenses.
But when people talk about health insurance, they usually mean the kind of insurance offered by employers to employees, the kind that covers medical bills, surgery, and hospital expenses. You may have heard this kind of health insurance referred to as comprehensive or major medical policies, alluding to the broad protection they offer. But the fact is, neither of these terms is particularly helpful to the consumer.
Today, when people talk about broad health care coverage, instead of using the term "major medical," they are more likely to refer to fee-for-service or managed care. These terms apply to different kinds of coverage or health plans. Moreover, you'll also hear about specific kinds of managed care plans: health maintenance organizations or HMOs, preferred provider organizations or PPOs, and point-of-service or POS plans.
While fee-for-service and managed care plans differ in important ways, in some ways they are similar. Both cover an array of medical, surgical, and hospital expenses. Most offer some coverage for prescription drugs, and some include coverage for dentists and other providers. But there are many important differences that will make one or the other form of coverage the right one for you.
The section below is designed to acquaint you with the basics of fee-for-service and managed care plans. But remember: The detailed differences between one plan and another can only be understood by careful reading of the materials provided by insurers, your employee benefits specialist, or your agent or broker.


John B. Williams
Florida Health Insurance

About the Author

John B. Williams it a self proclaimed writer for the insurance industry. His guides, peronsal information, and easy to understand elements make him a great asset to the health insurance industry.

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