Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nutrition Info

Goji onlineThe Health Spa Break Is Your Personal Sanctuary

Did you know that the word SPA is a town in Belgium. Spa is Latin for ?health by water' ?Sanitas Per Aquas. A spa is the new "must-have" amenity at resorts and hotels. The spa can be a great get away from your day to day routine. The health spa break is an opportunity for you to have a serene retreat. Your mission at the spa ought to be complete relaxation, comfort and rejuvenation.

The spa experience brings calm and serenity making you relax instantaneously. In most luxury spas the grounds are gorgeous. The health spa break is a perfect adult getaway for relaxation and tranquility. The spa has also become a beauty and health center. Being that spa means health by water these beauty centers utilize this as the basic ingredient that channels your energy, offering rejuvenation of both body and soul.

The perfect spa break is peacefully nestled amidst lush gardens filled with flowers and water fountains. The beauty about the spa getaway is that it does not stress you out, which can happen when going on a regular vacation; you have nothing to worry about, just get there, relax and rejuvenate. The health spa break can also be a romantic getaway. You can ask for your room to be prepared, then sink into a soaking tub prepared with rose petals.

Many people are under the impression that a health spa break is not affordable. This may have been the case in the past. However today there are many resorts. Due to this there is a lot of competition with spas giving away special offers to coax you in to their resort. So do yourself a favor and go get pampered every now and then?

Paul Hegarty is the owner of where you can save 60%, on an Infrared Sauna, this includes free shipping.

Create your own health spa at home. Learn more about health spa breaks. Read more about the infrared sauna.

Goji onlineWhy is Goji Berry So Beneficial?

Fri, 09 Feb 2007 16:07:27 EST
Goji berries or Tibetan Goji berries are technically known as Lycium Barabarum (Latin). They belong to the family of Solanaceae (flowering plants) which also have members like potatoes...

Go-Goji Berries! A True Superfood!

Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:35:03 EDT
Goji berries, sometimes known as wolfberries, are considered to be one of the most nutrient-rich plant foods on Earth. The fruit is nicknamed the "happy berry" because of the sense of well bei...

What exactly are Goji Berries and why are they becoming so popular?

Sat, 13 May 2006 10:26:04 EDT
Goji berries are small red berries that come from the Box Thorn plant that grows wild in Tibet. The plant is a vine that can grow as high as 15 feet. You can think of the plant as a mix between a grap...

Goji online NewsBone Health

Enough scientific evidence exists for this longtime folk remedy that scientists held the First World Congress on the Health Significance of Garlic and Garlic Constituents in the late 1980s. Research points out garlic�s ability to suppress cancer initiation and growth by boosting NK cell and T-cell activity. Garlic also blocks cancer cell adhesion to blood vessels which helps prevent metastases.

Gingko Biloba

This herb has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine. One of its components, gingkolide B, interferes with a chemical in the body that promotes tumor growth. Gingko also has a high antioxidant level.
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Bone Health

Bee Pollen

As with many questions in life the best answer probably lies in a careful analysis of the likely risk to reward ratio. You can of course apply such an analysis to many aspects of life; to investments, to career decisions; to gambling, perhaps even to personal relationships. But can such a test sensibly be applied to questions of health?

Well, in the case of vitamin C, the argument might be summarised as follows: the benefits are numerous and well established � not perhaps to the criminal standard of proof beyond all reasonable doubt on which the scientific community seems to want to insist, but at least to the standard of balance of probabilities on which most practical decisions in life have to be based.
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Bee Pollen

Weight Loss

Top 10 Tips for Choosing a Successful Diet Plan

Going on a new diet usually ranks about as high as going to the dentist.
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Weight Loss

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