Saturday, January 03, 2009

Organic Lucuma Flour for nutrition

life food cake

Tue, 23 Sep 2008 05:25:33 EDT
Lucuma, a fruit like carob, but with a shortbready, biscuity flavour! ... ould hold up a spoon of organice puree, and make icky bleh faces and noises (!). She's afraid to try anything unfamiliar, my husband won't eat salad or much in the w ay of vegetables....

The Cider Donuts Rule

Thu, 09 Oct 2008 09:41:17 EDT
/4 cup coconut, finely ground 1/4 cup oats, ground into flour 1 Tbsp. lucuma 1 Tbsp. ... mesquite 1/4 cup dehydrated apple slices 1 1/2 Tbsp. grade B maple syrup 1 tsp. organic apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp....

Organic Lucuma FlourExtreme Dieting Does Not Work

Despite its limitations, the human body is always trying to maintain itself for its quest for survival. So if you try to suddenly limit your intake of calories, your body will try to adjust to the drastic reduction of food intake. Fat cells may not necessarily fade away, and your body will try to conserve its energy. As a result your body will try to reduce its metabolism rate so that it does not waste any energy as it slows down.

And it will try to save as much energy as it can for oxygen and blood supply, for example. So the drastic cut in calories will not necessarily result from fat stomach to flat stomach in one week's time. If anything, the result will be temporary.

Studies have also shown that people who drastically reduce their caloric intake in pursuit of their goal can actually put on weight after the extreme dieting is done. In some cases, they gain more than their original weight. A daily food intake that is acceptable for your body size, shape, and temperament is the best way to diet. Try to locate a nutritionist that is attuned to your food habits, likes and dislkes, and your metabolism. You can then organize a daily food paln together and set small goals so that you can eventually reach your weight loss goal. By trying a diet from the major food groups, you can a safer and more comfortable weight loss.

Another tip is to eat small meals throughout the day so that the body does not feel deprived or weak. The key is to eat small portions of healthy foods such as nuts, fruits, yogurt and so on. Keep in mind that you do not want to exceed the number of calories for the day. Keep your food choices simple, and use nonrefined carbs such as fruit or a light salad, and maybe even some protein like a piece of turkey or chicken if you are not a vegetarian! Be creative. Your nutritionist can give you tips you never heard of before.

This will cut down on snacking on junk foods that always seem to be available at work or school. Hunger pangs will not be there as you will feel more energy as your metabolism is more active.

One important tip for you is to eat breakfast! At the beginning of the day, nothing is more important than breakfast as this kick starts your metabolism for the day. You will not snack as much in the late morning if you have a breakfast that is high in fiber such as oatmeal or cereals and fruit. These will take longer to digest as high fat foods are digested quickly.If you have high fiber foods for breakfast, your day will be off to a good start.

This translates to more energy and less hunger pangs later.

At the start of the day, begin to log in a food journal what you are eating for the day. Besides writing in the approximate number of calories, keep in mind the protein, unrefined carbs, and fats your body needs to function. Keep your goal in mind to lose weight and fat through a healthy life style change of eating habits. Your body will thank you for it.

About the Author:
L'Shay is an avid fitness and nutrition student and motivational expert.

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