Saturday, March 22, 2008

General Health Info

Guarana Powder ReviewsSpinach Powder

Over-acidity is very common in today�s world because of our lifestyle and diet. More and more doctors and nutritionalists believe the diseases rampant in our society are a result of an acid-alkaline imbalance.
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Spinach Powder

Flaxseed - Brown Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Ask for a box to take the rest home. This way, you will also not regret eating that big meal, and also will not be dealing with the effects of overeating, like sleepiness, mental fogginess, indigestion, gas pains, and cramping. It's a win/win situation.

The increasing obesity epidemic has gotten so out of control that we now have gastric bypass surgery, which thousand of obese Americans elect to have each year, even though the surgery is extremely serious and many times life threatening. This is in direct response to a culture that grew up being under educated about portion control and wise food choices.

Many individuals in the baby boom era were not educated to the extent we are today about nutrition, how certain fats protect organs and well being, and others aid in their destruction, the effects of sugars on the body, and the effects of excess calorie consumption.
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Flaxseed - Brown Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

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