Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kola Nuts for nutrition

Kola Nuts TopicsFlatulence/Gas

I�m here to tell you that in order to really slow that clock down, we must get �radical� in our approach to controlling our processes; getting radical means that we can, in the words of Star Trek character Jean Luc Picard, �make it so�. We can literally make our own clocks tick more slowly.

Getting radical is a process that occurs within ourselves. First of all, it�s the power of our intentions and the measure of our wills. It�s saying to ourselves -- with conviction -- �I want this to be!� Next, it�s believing, strongly, that we can! When we commit ourselves to these beliefs, we are then capable of achieving many remarkable accomplishments of mind and body. All we have to do is to challenge ourselves and our perceptions of who we are. The five radical tips follow:

1. Firewalking: How does walking on fire relate to youthing? An art that�s been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years, firewalking is about mind/body transformation. Its goal is to� question� the laws of nature. The experience becomes a powerful metaphor for anti-aging -- which I refer to as youthing -- and it�s a very radical way of challenging ourselves to stretch beyond what we think is possible. I have participated in dozens of firewalks, and the experiences taught me more about myself, and about questioning nature�s laws as they applied to me, than I�d ever thought possible. Oh -- and I walked on fire.
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