Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another blog about Slimming Products

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We all familiar with it, cellulite is also labeled orange peel skin and/or cottage cheese skin. If you squeeze the fat and it is smooth you know it is not cellulite but if you have those bumps and lumps then you know you have cellulite. This is because some of the vessels have leaked fluid into the tissues and have caused congestion. Toxins can�t be eliminated from these areas and oxygen battles to go in.

Toxicity is a major contributing factor to cellulite build up. Constipation is one of those things that are primarily responsible for toxins building up. When you suffer from toxic build up those toxins need to go some where and thus we end up with cellulite. Those toxins that are not able to pass through the colon get re released into the body and get trapped between the connective tissues.
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Too Much of a Good Thing?

Is there such a thing as too much cardiovascular training? You bet! In fact, most people overtrain their bodies in this area far more than in the area of weight training. This affects metabolism and the body�s ability to store fat in the future, how it will be distributed, as well as hormonal balance within the body. Too much of a good thing can oftentimes throw the entire apple cart off kilter.

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat
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Superfoods: R - T

Oops Mama Fell � Get The Block and Tackle

I�d rather leap down a flight of stairs blind-folded than to watch an elder fall. Falling is a very embarrassing experience for anybody and especially harmful to our seniors. As we age our bones become fragile and can break with ease. Once a bone gets broken such as a hipbone, it is all down hill from there. They may never fully recover. A senior falling can be the equivalent of a death sentence.

Almost half of our thoroughbred Americans fall every year. This statistic is way too high and needs to be lowered. By taking preventive measures we can greatly reduce this number.
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Superfoods: R - T

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